September 23, 2021,
One week to go for this September blog-a-thon. One week until the last day of September. The days are flying. My life is flying by in some what of a blur. I'm slowly learning to be in the moment
but that doesn't mean that I don't think about the future. Sometimes I wonder how I'm going to die. I'm not obsessed about it but at 85 - well I don't think that's abnormal or strange. My father died at 32 and my mother passed at 72 so I've outlived them both. I hope my death is quick and peaceful.
I've seen so many changes! When I was a child we had no tv. Instead we listened to programs on the radio and our imaginations created the character's looks. 
Women dressed up to go shopping. The 1960s changed that. Now we can wear whatever we please like Jeans.

We had party lines on our phones. We'd pick up the receiver to make a call and we'd hear conversations going on so we had to wait our turn. Or if there was no one talking we'd hear the operator say, "Number Please." 
I remember working a switchboard in a newspaper office in Palm Beach in the 50s. I liked the job plugging in the phone plugs to connect the parties. Once I accidently disconnected an important call. They were upset but forgave me.

People talk about the "Good Old Days" but personally I don't think of them that way. I mostly like today better because of cell phones, computers, and the myriad ways of communicating. Do you remember being stuck beside the telephone waiting for an important call? Now we can get our important messages in many other ways.

I like to read real books but reading the print on many of the pages has become a struggle. I'm so thankful for being able to read books and magazines online. I can enlarge the print and read comfortably. I subscribe to several magazine apps and I download e books from our county library. I'll never run out of things to read and it all fuels my innate curiosity.
Yes back in the day we could play outside all summer without worrying about what the kids have to worry about now. But really for me it wasn't that peaceful. I hated school, had many surgeries, was sick a lot. So yes I do like today better. I wish there wasn't the violence but there have always been wars.
Getting old is an adventure for sure. And, as they say it isn't for sissies. I am thankful for my curiosity, my health and my active mind. I'm actually looking forward to the next adventure when my time on this planet is over. So when you hear of my passing don't mourn, just wish me a good trip ask I fly with my angels to see what's ahead.
Thank you for reading.