May is special - Day 28

 Three days until May.  Did any of you deliver flowers in May baskets and hang them on neighbors or friend's doorknobs?  I did it with my Grandmother and Aunt.  Did we knock on the door and hand them to people? I don't remember that but I would get pats on the head and cookies.  "Oh what a sweet little girl," they would say.  It made me happy and feel special.  

May is my birthday month too, another reason to feel special.  

I am blogging every day in April with a group of over 300 creative, fun people  here at Effy's blog-a-thong.  I am in love with blogging again and hope it continues.  Thank you Effy for holding this space for us to get together, share our blogs, read what others have written and comment.


Angela said...

Happy birthday (went it comes, or belated if already gone). I have tried to blog each day but admit that life has gotten in the ways a few times, but still enjoyed the days I did and also reading all the talented bloggers along the month. xoxo

Francine said...

I also love May because it's my birthday month too! Also two Mother's Days - the French one and the rest of the world. :) In France we give bouquets of Lily of the Valley on May Day.

Cheryl Turtlemoon said...

I’ve never heard of this tradition but it sounds lovely! We see in the May on the first of the month, by the sea. I hope you have a lovely birthday when it comes .

Effy said...

What a lovely tradition! I've never seen that done here in Canada.

Jean Maurie said...

Yes Angela life certainly can get in the way of blogging and lots of other things too.

When is your birthday Francine? Mine is on the 6th. I love lily of the valley. That's sweet.

Cheryl I don't think they do it anymore. This was a long, long time ago. I just might have to google it.

Effy, I am curious if it is even a tradition anymore. This was at least 80 years ago.