Zoom With Your Angels

September 8, 2021

This is a repeat of one of my favorite blogs.


What if we could schedule zoom meetings with our angels?

Would you schedule regular meetings with your angels?  What would you ask them to help you with?  Why not visualize zoom meetings with your angels!  I've done this from time to time and I want to get into a regular habit of it.  Will I get quiet enough to listen?  Would doubt get in the way?  I do believe in them but never know how they are going to reply.  Will I get signs or dreams? Butterflies or birds? Coins or pretty cloud formations?  I never know.

What messages have YOU received? 
Zooming with our Angels

I created this using a blank Zoom template and imported into Procreate, my digital art program on my iPad.  Then I copied different angels and cut and pasted them into the zoom windows.  

I'm blogging every day in September with Effy's Blog a Thon.  I'm having fun coming up with different ideas for my blog. Also it's fun reading and commenting on many of the creative blogs people have been posting.


Thank you for reading.


Bonnie Cehovet said...

What a wonderful concept for communicating with the angelic realm!

Sue B said...

This sounds like a fun idea! Thank you! I don't have Procreate but I'm pretty sure I can work around that.

Jean Maurie said...

Great on invoking Metatron and Raph Arden. Sometimes I have to invoke 9/11 or SOS and invoke them all.

Jean Maurie said...

Thank you Bonnie. I do envision this and call on them. There is a kind of comfort in doing this.

Jean Maurie said...

Sue, I am sure you can work around not having procreate. There are many ideas even paint them. I wonder what that would look like. Would you share your idea with me if and when you do it?

Cheryl Turtlemoon said...

Oh this is so brilliant! What a great idea! Raphael came to me in meditation and really helped me! I’ll be trying this!