Yesterday and today I've been snowed in. We have 8 inches of snow on our driveway plus the snowplow hasn't plowed our street. We live one mile up from the main highway on top of the mountain. I have no idea how we're going to get the driveway plowed. Hopefully we'll hear of someone who has a plow that we can pay. This is the biggest snow we've had since moving up from Florida in 2000. It is beautiful.

I am so glad I work at home and don't have to try to drive to work. I know people that have had to go to work in this and last night interstate 26 was clogged with cars unable to move. A family was stuck in their car with little children for 8 hours. We've also been very lucky not to have lost any power. I've been blessed with heat, food, hot water, tv and internet service.

We try to see life as an adventure and this is certainly one of them. The forecast is saying more of the same on Christmas Eve and ice on Christmas day. I'm supposed to be hosting Christmas dinner. I wonder who would brave the roads to come. But like I said, life is an adventure if we can see it that way.

We live in NC and I know other places are getting hit much harder by the snow.

Sorry I haven't posted on here for quite awhile. I've been so busy over at Soul Garden where I have my own show called the Love Shack on Soul Nirvana. I'm on show number 5 now and it's been fun. Plus I'm the Taurus director there and am very busy. You can join is and read my blogs there. Here is the link:

Hope you all have a Happy Holiday.

Are you as tired of advertising as I am?

Hi, I don't know about you but I have about had it up to "here" with so many TV advertisements. Even the talk shows say "we'll be back in a minute" and we wait and they say two words, then go to another advertisement. We have counted 7 or 8 advertisements between the show segments. I have been known to fall asleep and miss the whole rest of the show. I've taken showers, washed dishes, finished laundry while they keep trying to sell us stuff. WTF! I watch very little live TV anymore because I've had enough. Instead I tape shows and speed through the ads. If they put a ban on fast forwarding on our Tivo's or DVR's then TV will lose me forever. Who needs them?

I still have the internet, my online games, books and blogs. A nice quiet evening listening to music, singing, being with friends... anything but watching one commercial after another. Below is a good Video I found saying exactly how I feel.

Monday Morning Angel Message

Worry wastes time, saps your energy and makes you fearful. If you find you are worrying about something, give the problem to us, and then forget it. We will handle it for you."

Your Angels
Have a wonderful week!
^I^ Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

If I could dance with my father again

Every time I hear this song it makes my eyes leak. It reminds me of my father and how I lost him when I was 13. My father and I were close. If I asked him for a quarter he'd give me 50 cents. He needed to be a free soul and when mother asked him where he was going he'd say, "to wind the clocks at city hall". My father was a volunteer fireman who brought all the men home after fire practice. He'd cook onion rings or french fries, then he'd put music on and sit at his drums and play with the music. He was only 32 when he died and I remember going into his closet and smelling his clothes, wishing he was back again. So I dedicate this song to my father.

Love between a dog and cat

Isn't this the sweetest video you've ever seen of love between a dog and cat? Made me wipe my eyes a little. It will make you smile all over too. Happy weekend.

Love, Jean Maurie

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Judgment

Hi and welcome back to our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we are going to learn about a most interesting card called Judgment. Yes, I know, we don’t like talking about being judged, do we? We feel like we’ve been judged enough, haven’t we? This card is not so much about being judged, as it is a reward for all you and I have gone through. Plus in all actuality we judge ourselves more harshly than others judge us.

Take a look at the Judgment card in your Rider-Waite deck or the card above. It looks like a bunch of people are standing in coffins praying to a huge angel who is blowing a horn and carrying a flag with a red cross on it. What is this all about? This card, like all the others, is filled with symbols. Can you see that flag with the red cross on it as the symbol of help? Who is bringing you aid? A huge angel! Didn’t we meet another huge angel in the Lovers card? Isn’t it neat that God and the Universe brings us help when we need it? We are never alone. Someone once wrote, “Do you have any idea how many Angels you have around you who want to help you with the problems you encounter in life? Most of us feel so alone and have no idea how much unseen help we have available to us. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE!! No matter how sad, stressed or lonely you feel, there is always help for you! And you don't have to join a church or be religious to receive this help either.” In this card we actually get to see a picture of a helping angel calling us to come out of our coffins where we buried our true selves when we tried to be “normal” and follow the rules set by society, our parents and teachers, when we stopped thinking for ourselves. This is the Angel Gabriel blowing his horn to release us from our limitations! This is our reawakening, our arising from the tombs of false beliefs. This is what is meant by being “born again.” We’ve gone through many initiations from the fool to judgment, from zero to twenty. We have walked through fire and storms. Isn’t it about time that we get our rewards, that we are indeed renewed and born again? You have reawakened to who you really are! This wonderful card shows us that by going through all these trials and tribulations we have developed the ability to bring out the best in ourselves, so now we are ready to help others bring out the best in themselves.

Many times people complain about their rough childhood, how they were mistreated, how hard their life has been. They think that if they’d had an easier childhood their lives would be better. For many people this is the opposite. Because they had a rough childhood, experienced pain and hardships, they grew and became more understanding and compassionate. All their suffering has made them become their best selves. The judgment card shows us that after the tower burned up our egos, our newly regenerated child within is now whole and Holy. Our Holy Child now faces the Angel Gabriel looking for direction. No longer do we have to struggle with hardships and pain. Or if we find ourselves beginning to doubt and take on struggle again, we know who to turn to. Know that this card represents the Fool, who, by his efforts and courage has found the secrets of life. If you get this card in a reading, know that any lawsuits you are involved in will turn out positively. Know that your troubles are about to come to an end. Realize that indeed, you do have Angel Guidance that you can turn to at any time. Notice the seven rays that are emanating from Gabriel’s horn. These represent the seven musical notes that correspond to our seven energy chakra’s Notice again naked people on a card. They aren’t ashamed anymore of who they are. Notice the four squares on the red cross flag. This represents each of the elements we need to help us make good decisions: Fire (inspiration and the energy to accomplish what we need), water (feelings and emotions), Air (thinking and communicating so we can discriminate), Earth (manifesting). The number twenty = 2, balance, which is what we have become in our travel through the cards – balanced. The planet Pluto represents the Judgment card. The energy of Pluto is like that of the Hindu God Shiva, which is both the creator and destroyer. Pluto is both the death and rebirth planet. When Pluto comes into our lives it tears things down so we get another chance to create differently. With Pluto there is always transformation. Realize that now you have reached a place where you are using good judgment by knowing your real self, your self within and enjoy its blessings.

Judgments advice:

Have a vision of your ability to create a new you
Know that every thought creates a seed for your future
Know you are truly made of boundless energy and infinite light
Ask yourself how judging yourself and others can be disadvantageous to your growth
Ask yourself how you can hear your angel’s guidance every day

Next week we will discuss the last card in the Major Arcana, the World. After that we’ll have fun exploring the minor cards and the people cards – the page, knight, king, queens. So until we meet again, Angel Hugs,

Jean Maurie

The Love Letter

I just finished watching this movie on You Tube. I checked it out of the library yesterday but found it on You Tube and I was too lazy to put it in my DVD player so I sat back and watched it on my computer.

Here is a synopsis of the movie:

"Transcending the dimension of time, a love letter found in an antique desk magically seals the fate of two young people linked by destiny, yet separated by more than 100 years. A young man discovers a letter written by a mysterious woman named Lizzie, who lived long ago, and feels compelled to write to her. Correspondence ensues and grows into a love so powerful not even the years can keep them apart. Spanning the Civil War to the present, the perils of Lizzie's war-torn situation threaten her safe passage into the future. Will their love endure the test of time?"

My all time movie was Somewhere in Time, which I still love, but this movie had a better ending. Do you believe in reincarnation and past lives? I've always been fascinated by the subject and even had some past life regressions. After watching Somewhere in Time one night, a story poured out of me that I "channeled" in 4 hours. I sent it to a magazine that published it. I've never been able to channel a story like this since. It was like the story was being dictated through me. Fascinating experience.

If you want I'll put my story on my next blog.

I believe love transcends time. I believe we attract the same souls to us over and over so we can learn more about ourselves and how to love. Dr. Brian Weiss wrote a book called Only Love is Real. It is about this being with and loving the same souls through time.

Has any of you had any experiences of feeling like you "know" or "knew" someone when you first met in this lifetime? If you have, I'd love to hear your story if you feel like sharing it.

I'm blown away right now after seeing this movie. If you want to see it go to: Hallmark The Letter

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - SUN

Hi and welcome our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we are exploring that life-giving energy card called The Sun. Take a look at your Sun card in the Rider-Waite deck or the card above. Doesn’t it look like this child is saying, “Look Ma, no hands?” This is just about what the child is doing. This child represents the fool with nothing more to hide. Notice he is guiding the horse without using a bridle or reins. This is like the Charioteer in card 7 only the Charioteer was learning how to triumph over his own will. The child in the sun card has gained spiritual mastery and control between the subconscious mind and the conscious. Its like when we learn to play a musical instrument or learn to ski, we use the conscious part of our minds, then when we’ve practiced over and over until we finally “get” it, we let the subconscious mind take over and we can play almost by memory. All along in these series of tarot articles, we have been learning new ways to think, new ideas to work on and if we’ve followed along, we are like the naked child with nothing more to hide. Finally we are beginning to “see the light”, to be freer and more able to guide our lives with less struggle. Check out the red banner that the child is holding in his left (subconscious) hand. The red banner signifies action, vitality and fire energy. The Sun also represents the all-seeing eye.

The picture of the sun looks like a face because quabalists have taught that every human is a miniature solar system. Now that the child has learned spiritual mastery, he needs to share it with others by sharing true knowledge from his center, his heart chakra. When we open up our heart chakra’s people can see our radiant light and begin to look toward us for inspiration. The best way we can help others is to walk our talk instead of preaching and telling others what they should or shouldn’t do. When we get right with ourselves and open our hearts, we are living from our center and we begin to glow. People will say, “you look so different, did you get a new hair do, or is that a new outfit you are wearing?” We are the law of radiance, glowing, awakened and illuminating. People love to be around someone whose words, thoughts and actions are aligned with their Higher Selves and Higher Truths. You have healed your own child within and don’t need to keep your shield up anymore.

Astrologically the sun represents the sun. It rules itself because all life needs the regenerative life force from the sun to exist.

When you get this card in a reading, it means YES!!! It is a card of good news Yes your love will be back, yes you have more energy, health, happiness! If you look at the card again you’ll see a wall with sunflowers growing on top of it. Instead of facing the sun, the sunflowers are facing the child for their full development. We all are miniature suns within us and as we walk through the 19 initiates of the fool and learn each step, we, too can attain Mastery. We can help humanity on the inner planes the way the sun helps with its light on the outer. Remember that Jesus said, “Become as little children”? This doesn’t mean that we have to lose what we’ve learned but be honest and exposed.

How can you and I be more like the Sun card? Can we give up forcing our opinions on others and telling them what they should and shouldn’t do? How do we know what lesson they came into this earth plane to learn? Can we open up our hearts and love instead of judge and seek retaliation? What can we change in our own lives to make ourselves happier and more fulfilled? Have we lost the ability to play? Have we lost our childlike joy in life because we are too dedicated to the world of obligations and shoulds? Why don’t we let that beautiful child within ourselves out to enjoy the rays of the sun again! Let’s begin to be true to ourselves a little at a time until we reach that point where we know who this child is and what talents he/she has. Let’s trust our child within to teach us about who we really are.

The Sun’s Advice:

Find your joy and be excited about life
Find an exercise you enjoy and get your body moving
Get outside and into the sunshine as often as possible
Let the rays of the sun heal you inside and out
Be light and playful, be colorful

Next week we’ll be talking about judgment. Don’t shiver; it’s a pretty neat card. Come back next week and you’ll see. Until then,
Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Moon

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we are going to talk about the moon. I love this card! It is a psychic card too. The moon represents phases, cycles, and evolutions in our lives, including the tides. People have been worshiping the moon since the beginning of time. The astrology sign of Cancer rules the moon. The moon represents our emotions. It is the Mother card. It is number 18, which adds up to the number 9. This is the second nine that the Fool encounters on his journey, which means he is on his second initiation. The Hermit was his first 9 on his path. Remember the Hermit? He reached the first plateau of awareness and went through the initiation of the cards from the Fool to Strength that we've explored in previous articles. Because he has reached this higher level of consciousness, he can teach us. Now we are on the second 9 initiation, meaning he’s still on his journey of learning, slipping back and then advancing again. How many times do we do this? We start learning to think positive, then something upsets us and we can’t get it out of our head no matter how hard we try. We go over and over it in our minds until we feel like screaming. Finally we talk ourselves into letting go of these negative thoughts and we start again to think positive. Alan Cohen, one of my favorite authors writes, “You will receive more of whatever you concentrate on.” This is repeated in almost all self-help books, including the Bible. Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." This is what the Law of Attraction is about too. So, like the fool, we walk through our journeys trying this and trying that. Just as we think we know it all, or have a firm grasp on things, another cycle comes and we learn on another level.

Take a look at your moon card in the Rider-Waite deck. See the dog and the wolf howling at the moon? This represents the wild wolf as our untamed thoughts and feelings (the wild out of control ones we can’t seem to get out of our heads) into conscious, tamed ones, where we finally have control. The dog represents this. We do this by disciplining our minds and choosing what we are going to focus on. We decide if we are going to let our thoughts run rampant, making us feel out of control, or if we are motivated enough to take control of our thoughts. Turning a wolf into a dog? That sounds like magic! In a way it is and we do have the potential to do this. We were given the tools to create what we want in our lives. Remember those tools the fool carries in the pack? Our magician laid the tools out on the table and began working with them. This is how we turn our lives around – by deciding what we want and having the courage to co create what we desire. While we do this we have to also accept that there is an untamed, wild part of us that surfaces now and then and we need to know that this part of us comes from the same source as our disciplined selves. It just manifests in a different way. It’s a good idea to stay in touch with your untamed, animal, ego self. The crayfish coming out of the water teaches us that all creatures have the prospect to evolve and we can do it too as we let go of habits and reactions and stop overreacting emotionally. The moon illuminates our journey and the towers are like an entryway to another world. Do we have the courage to leave our old selves behind and take that trek into the mountains to seek our true spirituality? The journey is our choice. We bought the ticket.

Do you see bright yellow looking raindrops falling from the moon? These are yods, which represents the hand of God. This is life force energy falling from above into materialism. In other words it is like seeds of new consciousness being seeded. If you look back at the Tower card, these yods are there too. A full moon is a time of releasing. Write down what you don’t want in your life anymore and burn the paper during the full moon. During a new moon write what you want to bring into your life. Be as specific as possible.

The Moon’s advice:

Let go of old habits to make way for the new.
Pay attention to your dreams
Evolve and transform your subconscious motivations through meditation
Be sensitive and intuitive
Be romantic, dreamy, sensitive and understanding

Next week we’ll delve into an enlightening and wonderful card called the SUN. Until then, angel hugs,Jean Maurie

7 ways to raise your frequency / Vibrations

This is a great video I found over on Soul Garden, then on to You Tube. It is so nice to know that humor, dance and singing are so high on the list. That certainly seems easy enough to do. Love the idea of getting out in nature too. I don't do that enough.

How do YOU raise your vibrations? What do you do that makes you happy?

Double Rainbow on our way home last night

We had quite a storm yesterday afternoon that cooled the weather considerably. When the rain stopped we met my brother at a restaurant for dinner. As we were saying goodbye on the restaurant porch we saw this bright rainbow and I was wishing that I had my camera with me.

We drive toward home when I remembered I had my flip video in my purse. I whipped it out, turned it on and fortunately we could still see the rainbow. So I took a couple of videos of it and made a snapshot from this video. Can you see the faint outline of the second rainbow to the right? Have you ever heard or seen that the second rainbow's colors are reversed?

I love rainbows as they have the colors of our auras in them and often when I send healing to people I surround them in my mind with a rainbow, knowing they will get the colors they need.

Hope you enjoy the picture. I know the pot of Gold lives within so didn't even hunt for it last night.

Angel Hugs and Happy Sunday to all,

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Star

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday tarot class. This week we are going to “hitch our wagon to a star”! Doesn’t that sound like fun after meeting Death, The Devil and getting into that burning Tower? The Star card is a good one to get at this time of year because it is like the Star of Bethlehem. Why? Because like that star that led the wise-men to baby Jesus, you are made of star dust and when you recognize how wonderfully and beautifully you really are, you can begin guiding others to their own Christ within, or their own starlight!

Together we’ve been through eighteen lessons that our fool has had to walk through to get to his star. Take a look at the star in your Rider-Waite deck or the picture above. See there are eight eight-pointed stars in the sky. One plus seven equals eight. Which is what the star number seventeen adds up to. Eight is the card of Strength. Look what we’ve just gone through – death, the devil and a falling tower! Do we need to fear anything else? When you are faced with what appears to be insurmountable obstacles in your life, think back to how you overcame other obstacles and setbacks. Remember the flaming tower, and then keep in mind the calm after the storm, which is represented by the Star. It was like watching the fall of the Devil’s kingdom.

The astrological sign of Aquarius, the water bearer, represents the Star. See how she has one foot in the water and is kneeling on the ground? She is balancing herself in the waters of the sub consciousness but the earth is holding her weight. She is a Goddess, the Empress, and Mother Nature. She’s pouring the waters of life onto the material earth. The ripples of water represent our five senses that we vibrate to and eventually go out into the universal consciousness. There are seven smaller stars, which represent the seven charkas. (The Energy centers that are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura) All of these stars represent cosmic energy, which is what we are made of. The Goddess star has been soul searching after the fall of the tower – like the calm after the storm. She’s been through challenges just like you and I will continue to do. But instead of letting these challenges defeat us, we grow stronger and learn that we need to go within for more inspiration and guidance. We have to be completely honest and true to ourselves which is what the star’s nudity represents. As we learn to meditate more to seek guidance and wait for true answers, our trial periods will become less and less. We need to take charge of our mind, body and emotions so we don’t let our egos get the best of us again, otherwise we could find ourselves in another tower-like situation where everything seems to be falling apart.

Meditation doesn’t always mean turning off the phone, putting a do-not-disturb sign on the door and trying to clear your mind of all thoughts. The meaning of meditation is a “contemplative discourse, usually on a religious or philosophical subject; contemplation on a subject intention or expectation.” What do you think about most of the time or contemplate on during the day? Take another look at the Star. What message does the star Goddess have for you? Think about the star when you awaken, especially if you find yourself thinking fearful or negative thoughts. Realize that you have your own star Goddess within, who is there to help you with brilliant star-like ideas, to help you live in the light, to help you be the light in other people’s lives. Begin to recognize your own star-like qualities and start to follow your own star!

If you get the star in a reading, know that for you it is a time of self-reflection, and you need to start believing in yourself. If you don’t like your job, know that doors of opportunities will open and new opportunities come. If you are looking for romance, know that either you will meet someone promising or you will receive guidance about what to do to help the relationship you are in. Know that you are vibrating at a higher level now and you can create a better life for yourself.

The Star’s advice:

Follow your star and be ready for success
Gifts of the spirit are on their way be ready to accept them
Radiate, twinkle, think beautiful and inspirational thoughts
Express your beauty for the world to see, claim your sacred space
Insight, love, helping and inspiring others.
What you think and contemplate on is what you create for yourself

Nest week we will learn about the deep and intuitive moon card. Until then.
Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Tower

Hi and welcome our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we’re going to take a trip into an angry looking tower with lightening and thunder flashing and booming around. Even the top of the tower looks like it is blowing off. How scary! Take a look at the Tower in your Rider-Waite Deck. Yikes what is going on here?

Have you ever felt so frustrated and stressed that you felt like you were going to explode? I sure have. This is partly what the tower card is about. Say you’ve just lost your job, you and your love are fighting, you accuse each other of this or that and they walk out. You feel like you can’t take it anymore and you just want to scream! Or crawl into bed pulling the covers over your head while you scream. Again this card is another story about being stuck in ego thinking where we stay stubborn, wanting to be right rather than happy – resisting change.

The tower is a symbol of how we, as humans build our ego from false beliefs that we think we know what is right, which seems comfortable. We don’t want to change because we know its other people who are wrong, not us. “If only he or she would treat me better or love me, or come back my life would be better. How can I make her love me? I can’t stand it anymore that he doesn’t call. Why does he hurt me so much? I’m scared if I change she’ll leave me.” This is fear talking. Many times when we hurt so bad that we feel like we’re going to fall apart, is when we have to start letting go of our destructive thoughts. We want to scream, cry, and hold on to people so they won’t leave us or get back at someone who “stole” our job or relationship from us. The tower card is usually a sudden crisis that is dramatic in nature. It’s like we were warned by clues like aches and pains in our bodies that something needs attention but we ignored the feelings. Suddenly we’re doubled over in pain and we’re rushed to the emergency room. Or we’ve been nagging at our lovers until suddenly they’ve had enough and split. Maybe it seems like they walked out for no reason with no warning. Maybe we missed the warnings. The Tower represents a wake-up call. How we respond to this wake-up call depends on how severe it will be for us.

The Tower is an Aries card, ruled by Mars, the God of war and conflicts. When we’re at the top of the tower we can see ourselves more clearly than ever and when we become aware of our true selves, the false has to go. Do you remember the lover’s card, number VI where the angel is above the lovers? Remember how we talked about how much easier our lives would be if we’d turn to our Higher selves and listen before flying off the handle and making wrong judgments? The Tower card shows us what happens when we continue making wrong judgments instead of communicating honestly. The Kabbalah name for Tower is Peh, which means mouth and speech. According to the voyager Tarot cards, “big mouths are always taken down in the end.”

The Tower also shows itself when we’ve continued building our lives on shaky grounds – when things can’t stay the same because of instability. Then our “house of cards” collapses and we have to start over. But we always have the chance to rebuild even stronger than before. Rigidity can’t last! Some of the ways tower energy can manifest are: divorce, disasters from weather or fire, accidents, and robberies. If you get the tower card in your readings pay more attention to your intuition so you can hear the warning messages. Check your locks, be aware of who is around you when you walk to your car – have your keys in your hand. All these warnings are not meant to scare you, only trying to give you a “heads up”. Think of the Tower as a breaking up of your tallest defenses, the ones that you’ve not wanted to let go. Have you had a unexpected insight? This is also Tower energy. You could see the bolt of lightening as a sudden awakening from within. So the tower doesn’t have to be disasters, it could simply be sudden new thoughts that inspire you to change your diet, start an exercise program, clean your house – any number of liberating ideas and releasing of outgrown limitations.

The Tower’s advice:

Look at your beliefs and feelings and burn out those that keep you limited
Purify and eliminate bad habits in order to have a healthy body
When you feel “I can’t stand it anymore” make your changes before they are made for you
Find ways to take care of yourself – learn to meditate, go to yoga classes, and commit to being more spiritual
Open up to new insights, inspiration and let go of what isn’t working.

Next week we get to hitch our wagon to a star. Until then,

Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Devil

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we’re meeting another of the scary, dreaded cards. Mr. Devil himself. Okay, stop shuddering; he’s not that bad – honest – unless of course you want him to be. Some people are addicted to negativity and fear and only want to focus on the scary.

Speaking of addictions, this is one of the meanings of the Devil card, number XV. He’s an ugly thing isn’t he? Take a look at him in the Rider Waite deck. The Devil has goat horns, a goat face bat wings and donkey ears. (Not too scary yet huh?) Look at the chains the people in front of the Devil. They are loose. This indicates that he isn’t such a bad guy after all because as soon as you realize you have freedom of choice, you can just wiggle out of those chains and set yourself free!

Guess what else – and some of you may hotly disagree with what I’m going to say next – there is no Devil except the one that man created! I know, some of you may have been taught the opposite in church and Sunday school, and you may find references in the Bible about the Devil. But the Devil is only us using our powers the wrong way. Take alcohol for instance. In itself, alcohol is not bad but taken to excess it can become addictive. Anything can be used for good or destruction. Fire can keep us warm and cook our food or it can be used to destroy. Same with the emotions of love. Will we use it to uplift or will we use the energy possessively? Another way to describe the Devil is misuse. Have we jumped back into ego thinking again, believing if we think long and hard enough we can solve all our problems? Or have we learned the lessons from the death and temperance cards, realizing that we can let go of the temptation to go it alone, believing we have all the answers and turn to our Higher selves, so we can begin seeing all sides, practicing the lessons of temperance, knowing our guardian archangels are there to help and strengthen us.

The Devil is a Scorpio card but in reality he is really Archangel Uriel, which in Hebrew means Light of God. Amazing, huh! There are more surprises coming! Within each of us is the light of God because we were made in the image and likeness of God. But sometimes we don’t act like Gods or Goddess’s do we? The original Greek word for Devil is diaballien, which means to disrupt the order. Hey, maybe sometimes we need to disrupt the order once in a while. I mean what happens when we think we know it all and we get stubborn and hardheaded in our lives? You know being too stubborn and egotistic can be qualities that bedevil us and instead of trying to change and seeing the other person’s point of view we can be addicted to being right! Sometimes life hands us unpleasant surprises that don’t make us real happy. But think how often we learn and grow from some of our darkest times. If the Devil comes up in a reading it doesn’t mean that horrible things are going to happen. It can only mean you need to turn back to your Divine Higher self, ask for help and guidance from feeling in the dark, and let go of error thinking that all is lost and you are bad.

Another exciting way to look at the Devil card is to realize that Devil spelled backwards is lived! Wow! Never thought of that, huh? Maybe its time to stop being so serious about everything and start living more joyously. The Devil is number 15 which is 5, or Hierophant (representing Mercury, the planet of our mind, thinking and communication) and number 1 – or Magician! Wow what a combination! See the Devil isn’t that scary after all. When we combine our mind, communication and thinking with the power of our Magician how can we go wrong? We just have to remember who we are and what our minds are capable of. We can use our minds and our magician to control and destroy or we can reach for the best in ourselves and communicate love, joy, creativity, enthusiasm, healing and abundance. We don’t need to stay addicted to fear, panic, self-destruction.

The Devil’s Advice:

Act spontaneously knowing that being unconventional can bring about new awakenings.
Break with the old ways of thinking
Take risks be like the Fool again
Stays aware take off your blinders
See the truth of who you really are
Give yourself a good shaking and climb out from your chains.

Next week we’ll see another troublesome card – the Tower. Until then live fully with joy and enthusiasm.

Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Temperance

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we’re meeting Temperance. Now that we’ve experienced all that turmoil and change from the death card, its time we take a look at what we learned from it. What can we take with us so we don’t have to get so scared again if we have to go through changes in our life – and we will and are continuing to!

This neat card – Temperance is ruled by Sagittarius and is represented by the Archangel Michael. If you take a look at number XIV – Temperance in the Rider-Waite deck you’ll see an angel pouring something from one cup to another. This is energy. He’s pouring energy, the subconscious of the silver cup into the golden cup of the conscious – the unseen to the seen and back and forth. This card is all about vibration and radiant energy. He is teaching us that energy can be controlled, that everything is in our hands and we bring our problems to ourselves. He is showing us that we can master our own thoughts and that our angels and spirit guides are here to help us. We can be at home in the spirit world and the physical world as we learn to master our own thoughts.

Whether we believe it or not, everything is energy and everything vibrates at certain frequencies. Whatever thoughts we focus on is what we are energizing. Are you angry all the time or worrying constantly? What energies are you vibrating to – peace, love, and happiness or anger, revenge, pain and suffering?

Take a look at Archangel Michael, the Temperance card. Do you see what looks like rays emanating from around his head? This shows that he has reached another level in his travels through the spiritual realms. He is in touch with his higher self. The Hebrew name for Temperance is Samekh, meaning support. He takes what he’s learned in the previous journey through the cards and begins to use it consciously. He has reached a new plateau, which, when applied to his every day life, with practice, will make the rest of his journey easier. Plus he is becoming more aware of those wonderful tools he’s possessed all along.

The death card represents releasing our ego and now we have to decide if we are going to continue over reacting to everything that confronts us in life, or are we going to stop, turn to our own Archangels, who accompany us through our life, letting them show us new and better ways of living.

What is your life about since we started the Fool’s Journey in the Tarot cards? Have you begun seeing life a little differently? Are you still over reacting or have you gotten all fired up to make some worthwhile and creative changes? I know I have changed since I started writing these articles. I decided to get some help for some issues that have been blocking me. How are you doing? Who is your support now – the old you who might have dramatized things in the past, or has a new, wiser, calmer you begun to emerge? Or maybe you realized that, “hey I’m angry and I never told anyone.” Maybe its time to acknowledge your “fire within”, be honest with yourself and find healthier and more creative ways to let these emotions have their say and be released. It’s better than pushing your feelings down and denying them. However, you don’t need to stay angry. Once you acknowledge your feelings and where they are coming from - without attacking anyone verbally, or physically – you’ll be freer to heal so your beautiful, loving self can emerge freely and genuinely. As you change you’ll find your friendships and relationships deepening.

With one foot in the water and the other foot on land, our Archangel Michael is no longer living only in the mental and intellectual world. He is more balanced – neither overly spiritual which can be pious, nor overly mental. He now knows how to use both his intellect and his spirituality in harmonious balance to achieve his goals.

Temperance Advice:

Communicate your feelings
Express your range of feelings creatively
Achieve equilibrium
Begin seeing all sides
Find the middle ground.

Next week we’re meeting the Devil. Believe it or not, I kinda like this guy- which I’ll explain.

Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

Wednesday's Free Tarot Class - Death

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we’re going to talk about one of the most dreaded cards of the deck, the one that scares everyone when it comes up in a reading. Death! Death is a word we don’t use much in our culture. Instead we say, “he passed,” “she crossed over,” or “he made his transition.” That’s one indication of how scared we are of the word death. However when we get the death card in a reading, it very seldom means the death of a person.

Do you want to see something interesting? Take a look at the death card XIII in your Rider-Waite deck. See the flag he is carrying? There is a blooming rose on the flag. Now take another look at the Fool card, number zero. The Fool is carrying that rose in his left hand. He brought it with him all the way through his life adventures. It represents his clarity of purpose that he desired to bring into his series of adventures. Now the rose is open on the flag of the Death card. It now signified life, the mystical rose of life – mars and life force.

Now see, you don’t have to be scared anymore. Death just means change. When we make any kind of change, something has to go – a habit, a way of saying something - which equals a little death. Look at the card again. Do you see the sun rising between the two pillars? This represents a new dawn, a new day and denotes immortality. We are eternal, and just because our bodies die, doesn’t mean our soul our spirit dies. Old ideas and old ways of doing things have to pass away because if the didn’t we’d all become stagnant.

Another exciting aspect of the death card is that it represents the departure of the age of Pisces where those who needed to control us through fear; rigid rules and secrecy ruled the world. This is represented by the standing figure of a bishop on the right side of the death card. His body language looks like the shape of a fish – Pisces. Now we’re in the first stages of Aquarius when secrecy begins to fall away, trust emerges and people start helping each other instead of being so greedy and mistrustful. This is where we are now- we are beginning to see the openness that is budding, we keep hearing how there is not enough money for different programs that could help humankind. But this, too, is passing. Greed is toppling – as we are witnessing the fall of well known companies. We truly are entering into a new age and you and I begged our Guides and Angels to be allowed to be here at this time to help usher in this new age of equality, humanness, love. They told us it wouldn’t be easy but we said we could handle it we were strong enough. Now here we are and things are looking a little chaotic and scary, huh?

We can find a lot of help from thinking and remembering the other Tarot cards we’ve been studying. The fool has the courage to strike out on his own, our magician lays his tools in front of himself and learns how to use them, the priestess goes within and communicates with her guides and angels before taking action, our empress nourishes her precious creative imagination, the emperor develops these ideas and shows his pioneering spirit and courage, the hierophant continues to grow and learn, and the angel protects the lovers who learn to communicate. The charioteer learned to move through adversity with is mind, leaving fear thoughts behind, our hermit goes within to rest, being patient and waits for guidance. The wheel of fortune continues spinning, teaching us what goes up eventually comes down and visa versa. We can always call on our inner strength and while we’re doing this we just have to hang around waiting for the next phase of our adventure while letting go of our hang-ups.

So instead of fearing what is happening in our lives and in our world, we can call on these aspects of ourselves that we learned in the other cards. Sure, there will be turmoil, confusion and yes, it can be a bit uncomfortable at times as we watch change unfold. What do you need to let go of in your life that scares you? Are you scared because you just turned 30, 40, and 50? What transformation are you preparing for in your life or career? Did you just lose your job or did a love you were counting on leave? Are you trying to hold on to people or situations that don’t work anymore? We experience many deaths in our lifetime, so think of the death card as change and begin to embrace change in your life. Don’t be afraid because change means growth, moving on. The Hebrew letter for death is Nun meaning Fish. Fish is symbolic of the powers to regenerate and the water sign of Scorpio rules death.

Death’s Advice:

Shedding old skin
Letting go of old ideas, beliefs, regenerating
Expressing our feelings so we can release them
Get rid of clutter in our minds, bodies and surroundings to make way for the new
Rejoice in your new opportunities.

Next week we will look at Temperance. Until then,

Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

New Computer - software, where's the software?

I got a new computer this week. My other one was 5 1/2 years old and it was acting like it was 95. It sputtered, locked up and I had to reboot at least every three hours, especially when I was farming. Farming? Yeah I have a farm on facebook. Why? Good question, but its fun as long as I don't have to harvest every day. Pumpkins take 4 days and then I have 4 days to harvest them.

I was able to buy a new DELL computer with windows xp professional. I wouldn't have bought it if I'd had to deal with Vista. I've heard so many bad things about that Operating system.

I got my computer backed up by my computer guru "my brother" and he upgraded some programs for me, so I am on a learning curve right now, trying to figure out why a newer version of a program won't work the same as the older version - like saving pictures in email. It works completely different but at least I have more color choices for my fonts.

I have to install my astrology program and the love and destiny card software and paint shop. I dreaded all of this but it will be worth it in the end.

OH yes our Flat screen TV died that we bought ourselves for Christmas. It was an Insignia, Best Buy's brand. It took them 9 days to get to us to check it out. Finally on Friday someone came and said it was the power supply and told us to go to the store and get it replaced. So we upgraded and bought an LG. It is nice and has a good rating in Consumers.

So this has been an electronic week for us. Tiring, exciting, frustrating but fun.

Happy Father's day to all the father's out there.

Wednesday FreeTarot class Hanged Man

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot class. This week we are talking about the number XII card which is the Hanged Man. That sounds scary doesn’t it? A hanged man? How can he possibly part of the plan?

Take a look at him in the Rider-Waite Deck. He looks pretty uncomfortable doesn’t he hanging there with his feet tied to a branch? The Hebrew name for the hanged one is Mem, which means water. What happens when you see your reflection in the water? It’s upside down isn’t it? By taking a 180-degree turn in your thinking and the way you look at your life, you are able to understand something that previously was incomprehensible to you. The prison is in our minds and so is our freedom.

The astrology sign for the hanged man is Pisces. It is a water sign ruled by the planet Neptune. He was the Roman God of the seas and oceans. Neptune is the higher power of Venus, representing matters psychic, or hidden spiritual insights, illusions, and flashes of insights. The hanged one gives us a chance to see life from another viewpoint. (Fortunately you don’t have to be tied to a tree to see your life from another angle.)

The hanged one follows the Justice card and the Chariot card and it helps to remind us that life doesn’t have to be a struggle that we can just hang around some times and wait. When I see the hanged one in a reading I will usually see its time to just hang out a bit, to make sure this is the road you want to travel. The Hanged man is number 12, which represents the 12 months of the year… also going back to the 1, which is the magician who has all the tools for success and the 2, which is the High Priestess, who meditates before she speaks or acts, and 3, the Empress, who nurtures her creative ideas.

Those of you who love the water, who can relax in the water and love to ride waves, you can identify with the hanged man. We can surrender ourselves and just float in the sea, giving up our struggles. Even if you don’t live near water, you can relax in your bath tub. I often counsel my clients to cleanse their auras by standing under the shower and let the water cleanse them. It is a ritual that is healing and energizing.

Another way you can look at the hanged man is, is he or she is learning from their hang-ups? Do you have any bad habits that are preventing you from realizing and living your dreams? What if you just let go and asked your Guides, Angels or Higher self to show you a new perspective about yourself to help you succeed? Are you giving too much of yourself to others and being a martyr? If so, how can you let go of that?

I read an interesting article about a woman who died and was getting a chance to look at her life review. She got to see how her actions affected others lives. She was a do-gooder. She did the homework for someone because they wanted to go out and be with their friends. But the person never learned to take responsibility, never learned how to learn. Whenever someone over slept she’d take his or her car pool. She thought she was being nice. Instead the person who overslept never learned how to be accountable. There were other examples of how, by doing too much for others, she prevented them from learning what they came into this lifetime to learn. She forgot how to honor herself. How many of us are guilty of doing this to ourselves? I am not advocating selfishness, but sometimes we do for others what they need to do for themselves.

Many times we live too much in our heads – always trying to figure things out, always worrying, wondering what to do next, asking ourselves why we aren’t happy. Maybe if we took time to take another look, make a 180 turn in our perspectives, see life from a different angle, we can begin to let go and look at our lives from the eyes of our authentic self, instead of what we think everyone else wants us to be. Think about taking a little time off and just hang out with yourself. Take the phone off the hook, put a do not disturb sign on the door and be alone with yourself. Put some music on and dance alone. Yes it might make you feel silly, but isn’t changing the whole point? Maybe sit down with paper and pen, or at your computer and ask yourself where your life seems to be heading and what you can do to change it. Brainstorm! Write down everything you can think of even if it doesn’t sound rational.

The Hanged Man’s advice:

Do the opposite of what you normally do; be unconventional.
Patiently work through your hang-ups.
Suspend your beliefs for awhile.
Go with the flow.
Talk with your angels, guides and higher power.
Let go and Let God (or the universe or what works for you)
Look for your strengths instead of your faults.

Next week we will explore a card that scares a lot of people – Death – and how we all have to die mini deaths in order to grow.

If you want to know how the Hanged man works in your life you can email me at my web page:

Angel mesage for you!

Angel messages for each sign for June 2009. Use your sun sign message, moon sign message and ascendant message for your angel message for the month.

Aries: We hear your thoughts when you call on us. We’re here for you. Stop for a moment and listen.

Taurus: If you could see us the way we see you, you would be astounded! You are beautiful in our eyes. Let your light shine.

Gemini: We’re downloading ideas to you, so don’t discount your imagination. We use it to communicate with you.

Cancer: Your desires are possible; ask us to help you fulfill them. We are overjoyed when you keep us busy.

Leo: We stand beside you awaiting your questions. You are never alone but we don’t snoop. When you call we answer, so pay attention to subtle messages and ask for signs.

Virgo: We whisper in your ear, brush your cheeks lightly with our wings. Take a minute to feel us beside you. You are never alone.

Libra: Call on us for strength. Ask us for directions. Give us your worries. We love to keep busy.

Scorpio: Life is meant to be an adventure. Take us with you, we will soar your worries away and bring you bouquets of flowers. When you smell the sweetness know it is from us.

Sagittarius: You have many options. Life is not static and you aren’t stuck. Let us show you the way around and through as we light your way.

Capricorn: Music sooths your soul. Let us inspire you to dance and sing, even if you can’t carry a tune – your songs are beautiful to us.

Aquarius: Talk to us and let us guide you. You don’t need to struggle if you will only let us light your way. Take us with you. Fill up your car with us. We love our trips together.

Pisces: We talk to you in your dreams and your imaginations. Yes it is us. Trust yourselves more and know we are there.

Free Wednesday Tarot Class - Wheel of Fortune

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot lesson. This week we will be exploring tarot card ten, The Wheel of Fortune. This card has many meanings. If you look at in the Rider-Waite deck, you see this big wheel in the middle of the card that looks like it is suspended in space. The eight spokes on the wheel represent the figure 8 we found over the Magician’s head and at the top of the Strength card. This expresses the message “as above, so below.”

The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles. Look at the cycle we’re in now. People are getting laid off, the stock market has had its ups and downs, the housing market is chaotic. Life is cyclic. What is down will always come back up again. What cycle are you in? Are you doing things the same old way and wondering why your life isn’t working? Take a look at your cycle and think about new ideas you can use so you won’t make fruitless choices over and over again.

At each corner of the Wheel of Fortune card are the fixed signs of the zodiac (Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo and Taurus), the four seasons (spring, summer, fall, winter), the four corners (north, south, east and west), the four elements (fire, earth, air and water). Notice they have wings, representing archangels. This means that everything we desire comes from our Higher Source. In the Rider-Waite deck, each of these figures has a book, meaning we are always learning. Lots of times when I get this card I see that my client is either in school or going back to school or about to take a class. We are all in the school of life, always learning. The snake at the side of the card represents the shedding of skin, the ability to start over.

The Wheel of Fortune in Greek means Kaph, a grasping hand. Grasping means to embrace, to comprehend, to know, to act boldly. Do you comprehend how you create your own fortune? Do you realize that you are a co-creator with God? Do you know that nothing happens by chance? I'm not talking about a ruthless kind of grasping but an understanding.

Fortune means good luck, realizing your destiny comes from working and being true to your visions. You make your own luck. If you’ve read any of the Law of Attraction books by Esther and Jerry Hicks you know that everything is vibrational and the vibrations we send out through our thoughts come back to us in the form of experiences. What do you want for your life? Have you made a plan, written it on paper or are you just hoping that things will fall into place for you? Are you living your life to please your parents, your friends or your significant other?

What is your passion in life? When you were a child, how did you visualize yourself as an adult? What turned you on? What got you excited? If you can think back to that time and remember your dreams when you were a kid, you will realize that this is what you wee supposed to be doing until someone told you that it wasn’t practical or that you wouldn’t make any money at it and talked you into another career. What is fun for you? What would you be doing if money was no object? To see your fortune is to grow, to discover who you really are and where your talents lay. Kaph also means the hand that grasps the golden ring of fortune. Remember the Emperor, the number 4 card? He created his own empire and when we follow his teachings we, too, can create our own wheel of fortune.

Speaking of good fortune, abundance and prosperity, I love the book, The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity by Catherine Ponder. It is in paperback and it is filled with wonderful examples of how people in her classes prospered during a recession. It has been a trove of inspiration since the early 60s when I was agoraphobic and broke. Yes, that is where I was, but using Catherine’s ideas about prosperity changed my life. It can change yours too. Since then, the Abraham Hicks books on the Law of Abundance have been published along with many other self help books. Catherine tells us why we deserve to be prosperous and outlines step by step many different ways we can manifest our good and live the kind of life we really want despite the obstacles that sometimes we can’t see past.

This is an abundant world. I’ve been awed by planting a tomato seed and growing a whole bush filled with tomatoes, each one filled with enough seeds to grow many bushes. The same is true with most other produce, trees, flowers and other crops. There is no lack in God’s world; it only exists in man’s mind.

So there is “Gold Dust in the air for you and me.” The Wheel of Fortune represents new beginnings and so many people are going through this. It only takes a small change in our thinking to change our lives. Are you ready? Let’s go for it!!

The Wheel of Fortune’s advice:

Recognize the cycles and turning points in your life and remember that you can start over.
Keep learning from your experiences and adapt accordingly.
Cultivate optimism, generosity and adaptability.
Move or change jobs to expand your luck.
Get still within and tap into your resources to create your own good fortune.
Consider other ideas and viewpoints – be creative.
Revolutionize and transform your ideas to get a handle on your destiny.

Next week we’ll explore the nature of justice.

What a difference a day makes

I don't understand why some days I can wake up with waves of anxiety coursing through me and other days it's not there. Yesterday wasn't any different than any other day. By that I mean I didn't have a pending doctor's appointment, I didn't hurt anyplace, I had money to pay bills and everything seemed like a normal Saturday. I got up despite the anxiety and turned on the computer. Everything was ok there, thank goodness because I definitely need a new screamingly fast computer. But the planet Mercury was sitting stationary in my sun sign of Taurus. It started turning direct today but yesterday I felt like shit. Pardon my expression. I had no energy, I felt like there was no reason to get up, sit here, be nice or anything. I'm sure we all feel this way at times.

I decided to pull up my astrology chart and see what was going on. The planet Mercury was opposite my natal moon and doing something nasty to my natal Mars. Right now I forget what it was but I looked it up and it said something about getting into arguments with people. I knew there was no point to that, so I kind of just stayed to myself and tried not to sulk. I gave thanks for stuff and played some games on

We'd planned on going downtown to the bikers for autism and hear our favorite one man band, Tom Brown. I almost didn't want to go but the voices in my head said, "go you'll feel better." So we did. The voices in my head were right, I did feel better. We just love listening to Tom Brown. I wish he'd get a profile on facebook or get someone to film him and put him on You Tube. You think of a one man band as a clown like person with clickers in their hand and a whistle that they blow. But Tom isn't like that. He's recorded background music on his computers and he sings and plays the guitar with the background music. He plays a lot of oldie goldies from the 50s and 60s. Next week he'll be at the curb market and I'm looking forward to that.

Anyhow, main street was filled with bikers of all sorts. I don't know the different names of motorcycles though. I wish I'd taken some pictures. I took a pic with my blackberry and sent it to my friend Lori (hey baby what's your card) but it wasn't clear enough to put on here. Oh yes Bernie took a video but it isn't ready to put up here. Maybe later I'll get some pics. It was a nice evening and I got my ice cream fix and some honey/garlic chicken. Yum.

So today I get up, feel fine and we go out to the Golden Corral for breakfast. I love their egg pies, creamed chipped beef and glazed donuts. (I only eat one). Then an ex neighbor comes over and stands there talking about her ailments and her husband's doctor's appointments and I proceed to get a stomach ache. I don't like listening to this crap. Sorry. I've had enough experience with doctor's and surgery to last me the rest of my life.

We went grocery shopping, came home and I've been sitting here working on my soul garden Taurus page of love. If you want to get your daily love fix come join me @

It's a neat place and you'll enjoy the music, pictures, blogs and comments.

I guess what this whole thing is about is why is one day so totally different from the next? Not that I want every day to be the same. I'm talking more about moods than anything else. I'm glad Mercury is direct now. Do you have days like I had yesterday and don't know why?

^i^ angel hugs, Jean

Free Wednesday Tarot Class The Hermit

Hi and welcome to our Wednesday Tarot lesson. This week we are meeting the Hermit. Take a look at him in your Rider-Waite deck. He is number IX. He is standing on the top of a cold, snowy mountain holding a lantern and a staff. He has reached the first plateau of awareness and has gone through the initiation of the cards from the fool to strength that we’ve talked about in our other articles. Because he has reached this higher level of consciousness, he can teach us. He is holding the light to illumine the path for the rest of us. He made the trek up the mountain on his own, just like we have to climb our own mountains – you know the ones we make out of mole hills? The word Hermit comes from the Greek word eremites, which means of the desert. Sometimes we have to be like the Hermit and periodically pull away from our every day life to seek solitude. We don’t have to climb mountains to get away but we need to take a few minutes for ourselves, to shut the door, take some deep breaths and connect with our Higher Self or our Angels and Guides. This is really not hard to do. Some say “I can’t meditate because I can’t still my mind.” I always say, you don’t have to quiet your mind, but if you buy some guided imagery tapes, get quiet and listen to them, it will be like taking a vacation. You will have temporarily let go of your worries and problems and come back refreshed. This is also called charging your inner batteries. All of our spiritual teachers including Moses and Jesus learned to go away for awhile and go into the silence and the solitude

Sometimes when we are on our spiritual path we feel like we’re alone in the desert and it can feel scary. We feel adrift, separate, and lonely. This can make us feel so uncomfortable that we flip on the TV, call a friend on the phone, go to a bar – anything so we don’t have to feel that restless, empty scary feeling. Our new friend the Hermit felt like this many times, just as all of us do. This is part of growth and we can learn to welcome it and practice attuning ourselves to new ways of solving our personal problems. The Hermit symbolizes that we can always turn to him and his light for guidance. He symbolizes our Higher Power. He knows that he cannot carry us just like we don’t need to carry others. We can be like the Hermit in our own life and, once we get our inner light glowing, we can teach others how to be strong. Many times this is the only way we can help. If we run around giving all our money away to people they will just spend the money and be out of it again. Is that helpful? Maybe temporarily we can give them a hand, but wouldn’t it be much better if we showed them how to help themselves? Jesus not only fed the people but he showed them how to fish. There are many kinds of teachers in the world. There are credit counselors, twelve step programs, gamblers anonymous and other types of recovery programs. We can learn from Yogi Classes, Tai Chi, and Karate. Exercise and walking is another way to get away and go within. Many times people recharge when they walk – their endorphins are released. Diet changes, journaling, going to someone in the helping professions – all of these are forms of teachings that can help us on our path. We don’t need to limit ourselves. Neither do we have to solve everyone else’s problems. Yes it is good to be of service, but when we get so engrossed in solving other’s problems that we drain ourselves, we can end up making others dependent on us, and that is definitely not what the Hermit is about. You can be like the Hermit and help others find their own light. We all come into this earth plane with our own lessons and we really have no knowledge of what the other person has come here to learn. We need to remember this when we get too involved in trying to help another. It’s great to help them help themselves, but we must not try to carry them.
The astrological sign of the Hermit is Virgo, which is an earth sign. It is mutable, meaning adaptable; it can either stand still or change, depending on the needs. Virgo’s like to analyze and serve, they are industrious and one of their lessons is to free themselves from excessive worry. What teachers, books, classes will you take to become more like your Hermit within? The planet Mercury, which represents our mind, our way of communicating, rules Virgo. Try to be aware this week how you will learn from others as well as be their teacher.

The Hermit’s Advice:

Rest, relax, regenerate, and pay attention to your needs
Focus on your work and don’t let yourself get distracted
Eat nutritiously, exercise, dance, and become balanced
Look to your higher self, start journaling with your angels
Hold the light for others but don’t carry them

Next week we’ll look at our Wheel of Fortune. What a fun card this can be!

^i^ Angel Hugs,

Jean Maurie

South Florida with mountains

What a lovely thought! If Florida had mountains or Western North Carolina had an ocean I would be in total heaven. I do miss the beach and ocean but love the mountains. I know people living in certain parts of California can drive to the ocean in a short time and still see mountains. You can't do that here though. I had 47 wonderful years living in South Florida from 1953 to 2000. I never saw a mountain until I was 50. We missed the four seasons after growing up in Pa and NJ. So when my husband retired we decided to move to the mountains. I had 47 years laying in the sun, swimming in the ocean, playing in my family's pool. Such wonderful memories. Then I see this picture and think, wouldn't it be wonderful to have the best of both worlds. I know people live in Fla in the winter months and come up here in the summer, but what the heck, why not have it all? I know you are probably saying Florida isn't that far away you could go anytime. Yes we could if we were travelers but we aren't. I'm still trying to remember how to fly. Guess that would mess up the air traffic controllers and who knows, they might try to shoot me down. Oh well, I can use this wonderful picture for a relaxing meditation.

Thanks to

for the inspiration

Free Wednesday Tarot Class - Strength Card

Hi and welcome to the Wednesday tarot lesson. This week we are going to meet Strength! It is number 8 and if you look at the Rider-Waite deck you will see a beautiful woman with the number 8 floating over her head turned sideways. – The same as the Magician had over his head. Women can be magicians too! This sign is the symbol of infinity, or forever ness. It also represents the state of balance and how she is focused on right thinking, which leads to right action. After all, she is petting a Lion! She has moved beyond needing a wand because her power is in her hands. Using her spiritual courage, Ms Strength has learned how to control her passions, which the Lion represents. The Lion also represents our lower selves, the animal within us.

If you remember the Charioteer from last week, he was testing out his tools and skills by traveling, using his mind. He was outside of his protective city, venturing down the highway of life. Was he scared? I’m sure inside he was. Wouldn’t you be? Aren’t we all? Testing out our tools and spiritual knowledge is like taming the wild beast of fear which we all experience. That is where Strength comes in. We were all born with strength, even if we feel shaky and nervous. Remember the Wizard of Oz, and the cowardly Lion going to the Wizard to get strength? What did he learn? That he had it all along, just like you and I do. Think of your life and how you have or have not used your strength. Did someone give it to you, or maybe teach you where to find it? Some people live in fear, which sometimes develop into phobias. They are told to “act as if “they were brave, pretending until they actually felt their courage. This takes much practice.

The Lion is colored red which depicts passion. What are your passions? Are you afraid of them? Do you take the safe road instead of being daring like the fool? Leo is represented by the Sun and it rules the 5th house of our astrology charts. One of the meanings of the 5th house is creativity and play. Are you so stressed, overworked and fearful that you don’t play anymore? “I don’t have time to play,” I hear many say. That is an example of being unbalanced. Like the ruling planet, the Sun, Leo strength represents coming out, breaking through. What kind of breakthroughs do you want in your life? Become strong like the Sun and shine through your problems, which are like strong, dense energy forces. Give yourself new life, new ways to solve your problems, so you, too, can feel more creative and alive.

Leo also represents ruler ship. Who rules you or who do you rule? Strong, balanced people don’t need to rule anyone, nor do they allow themselves to be ruled. Strength comes from within and is based on knowing ourselves, believing in ourselves and being able to balance our lives between work, play, creativity and our inner spirituality. If we learn to be creative problem solvers, life would run smoother and we’d have more time for fun. So instead of fighting our beast within, we can begin learning to tame it inside ourselves. How do we do that?

We begin to realize that despite stress, family problems, illness, lack of any kind that with our Angel’s and Guide’s help we find the courage to keep going. Instead of fighting change, try to see life as an adventure and play with new ideas. Welcome new opportunities and see everything as a chance to grow and learn. Balance is dancing with the harmony of life, balancing our inner and outer selves. No it isn’t always easy, and I’m not implying that it is. But with patience, gradually beginning to change the way we view life, and practice – lots of practice, we can transform our lives so we are happier, more creative, attract love, peace and abundance to us. Can you imagine your life being that happy? You have the fortitude, inner strength, courage, passion, wisdom, endurance and patience within IF you want to tap into these God-given gifts.

Strength’s Advice:

Become more courageous
Be creative, state your ideas
Establish your territory, your boundaries, and act magically
Be yourself, its time to break through and create
Find your place of strength and create your power spot
Be the artist of your own life, so use your imagination and be creative.

Are you excited yet by your possibilities? Next week we will make friends with the Hermit. He has an interesting story to tell.

^i^ Angel Hugs,

Jean Maurie

Happy Lightening bug watching

Hey y'all do you like the fire flies as much as I do? I remember as a kid chasing them around the yard. This was in New Jersey. When we moved to Florida in 1953 we still had fireflies. I don't know when we realized they weren't around anymore. I think it is when they cut down the trees for the condos and paved everywhere. I really missed those little buggers. Maybe we'd see one in a real dark place but they were few and far between.

Now that we live in the mountains of western North Carolina I can enjoy the lightening bugs again. They should be coming out about now.

Anyhow, enjoy the music, take your shoes off and watch the relaxing video.

^i^ angel Hugs,

More fears come up to be healed

Here it Saturday. What a difference a day makes. I was yelling at the voices last night telling them they'd better be real or I didn't want anything to do with them. When I woke up this morning there were the pains again. I hadn't felt them all night and I'm thinking WTF. I've been trying to get to the bottom of them. So as I laid in my recliner trying to wake up but sorta not wanting to, I realized there were 7 fears lurking there pinching me in my gut. "Listen to us," they were saying. "If you listen to us we can be on our way." So I tapped (when I say tapped I don't mean on my stomach but there is this tapping routine I learned through the EFT classes, online, and in DVD's I bought. ( I tap on acupressure points, which do release and heal emotional issues. So I tapped about 6 rounds this morning and really let the fears speak to me. I know I have more releasing to go but my stomach feels a lot better today!!!

I decided to pull some cards to see what my message is for today. Interesting, I got some of the same cards as yesterday. Today the journey card came up first and yes this is a journey toward healing myself and my fears. It has been quite a journey over these 73 years. I didn't know enough to work on them as a child, all I learned was to push down, be strong and clench. I started on the healing journey when I was about 35. Before that I didn't know I had a brain in my head. One day I was sitting in a used book store with some friends who were all college graduates and I was holding my own in the conversation. That was when I realized, hey I'm not so dumb after all. So from 35 to 73 I've been working on myself through different modalities from hypnosis, "primal scream", meditation, astrology, past life regression,and how to get over agoraphobia, etc. I wonder if there is any end to the journey? I don't think we ever get to a point when we've learned it all and we're done. But I know we can feel a hell of a lot better and I expect to.

This leads me to my next card which again is gift. I do love the gift of healing, feeling better, liking myself better, becoming more unafraid. Next is marriage again, still working between the feeling side of myself and the head and rational side. It is good to be balanced. Not only am I working on myself emotionally but I am giving up colas for a few days anyhow. The voices told me to get down in the basement and dance, that will loosen me up. Have I done it? No but I'm gonnna.

The hidden card is really nice. It's money/reward. Yes I feel that when I get through this I will be rewarded. I will have more knowledge to use to help my own clients and have more to write about too. Plus isn't feeling better a reward all by itself?

Happy weekend with tons of ^i^ hugs,

First blog with Gypsy cards

Here is my first blog with the new Gypsy cards that I bought from Lorielle. (Hey baby what's your card) I really resonate with these cards.

I, too, am reading Writing Down Your Soul by Janet Conner and the voices told me to pull out the cards and write about them. So I did.

I was writing about my stomach being upset. All my feelings settle in my stomach or back and I'm going through some sort releasing - not in the stomach but in my emotions. I use EFT ( which is called tapping. I've gotten in touch with some deep childhood issues when I had many surgeries for repairing my cleft lip and palate. I was so scared. I remember when the hospital called to schedule my surgeries my mother would be doubled over with stomach pains and I asked her what was the matter, she'd say "nothing." I guess she thought she could protect me by not telling me how scared she was. A child knows. I'm talking about 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 years young. I don't remember how it all went before 4 but I had my first surgery at 10 days old. Anyhow, when I was tapping I was able to feel the pain of this scared little girl who wasn't able to talk about the fear. They told me to be a "good little girl and don't cry." So I didn't. Naturally the pain and fear had to be stored somewhere. Tapping helped release some of it but my stomach has been a bit upset since. I know there is more stuck emotion down there.

My first card is gift. Believe it or not I feel that all of this pain and fear is a gift only because it has made me search deep and uncover beliefs and what is really going on inside. Yes it would be nice not to have pain but we, as humans often learn our greatest lesson through pain.

My second card is marriage. To me this meant going between my feelings, my head and my heart. It is like a merger of these three parts of me. With the tapping and the writing I am going from my emotions to thinking and then trying to open my heart. When I was feeling my little girl's pain and fear I imagined holding her on my lap and opening my heart to her, telling her it is ok to feel. Because it is. Feelings are here for a reason and when we allow ourselves to feel all our feelings whether good or bad, painful or excitement, we don't stuff them anymore. They are genuine, real.

My third card is thought. Ah, thinking about an upset stomach and worrying about it will create more tension and more fear. If I keep going over and over about it in my mind I keep feeling the upset. That is what many teachers teach, that what we give our mind to is what we create in our lives. But boy is it hard not to think about things when they are bothering me.

I also use CD's by Belleruth Naparstek, from I have about 6 of her cd's from panic and anxiety, to a healthier sleep, to relaxation and pain, weight loss and more. I even have one for self confidence. She takes me through this wonderful guided meditation to relax the body and then there is about fifteen minutes of affirmations that are powerful. So I'm using these too and that is when my stomach feels the best.

My hidden card is letter. I am getting so many wonderful emails with links to tapping places online that are free. I also feel that all the releasing I am going through will be a wonderful "message" for me and is a message for me to keep releasing and working on myself. I will get some good messages from them. The image on the letter card has birds on them as if delivering a message. Birds also represent psychic messages and I know I am opening up to be more psychic and will get more "letters/messages" as I clear out the old emotional baggage.

So it is going to be interesting to see what else is going to come up and what cards I will draw.

^I^ Angel Hugs, Jean Maurie

Hi and welcome to Wednesday’s Tarot class. This week we will be looking at the Chariot. If you take a look at this card in the Rider-Waite deck you will see a man who looks like a king, standing in a carriage. If you notice, the city is behind him, so he is in uncharted territory The Chariot stands for the human personality. . The Charioteer is the symbol of the King who is victorious because he has received his initiation from the first 7 of the Tarot cards He holds in his right hand – the dominant and willful side of the body - a wand, just like the one that we saw on the Magician’s table, which represents bringing the magic rituals into practical experiences. He uses the wand and his mind to control the sphinxes, which seem to be pulling the chariot, but without reins. They are black and white - contrasting again, just like the pillars in the High Priestess card and the Hierophant card. So if the Charioteer doesn’t observe his mind and allows the sphinxes to have free rein, his chariot could start spinning in circles, due to the pulling in either direction from the Sphinxes. Also because of their polarity, know that the journey will be a combination of positive and negative experiences, just like our lives. Because the Sphinxes have human faces, they represent the evolution of the human spirit. The canopy above the Chariot is filled with stars representing the celestial influences he can use to gain his victory. This also tells us that we have guidance and protection in our journeys through the unknown. If we feel scared during our journeys and adventures, we only have to look up to our Higher Powers again. The charioteer can be either sex. Some see him as the son or daughter of the Empress and the Emperor. The Charioteer represents ourselves as we evolve through our human consciousness. In Genesis it says God rested on the 7th day. In olden times this card was named Victory. We are victorious when we realize that we are the vehicle that creates change in our lives. The Chariot’s astrological sign is Cancer, which is represented by the moon, intuition, sensitivity and receptivity

How can you become the Charioteer in your life? Do you dare take the message of the fool child to make changes in your life? Or are you stuck in the same old rut, unhappy, knowing something has to give, but living in fear? Remember in our study of the Tarot that we were given tools for our journey. We are the Magician in our lives. From the High Priestess we have learned to go within for answers and to wait patiently until these answers come. Our Empress taught us to know we have to nurture the seeds that we planted and that we need to use our creativity, imagination and realize our world of possibilities. We need to get in touch with our intuition and listen to its messages for our highest good. Our Emperor taught us that we can build our wonderful Empire by knowing and using our innate power to create and manifest and nurture our ideas. We learned to stop running around getting opinions from others and trust our intuition from our Hierophant. The Lovers taught us to love ourselves so we can love others and to communicate from our higher selves. As the charioteer we are ready to move out into the world and begin to create what we want our life to be about.

This week pretend you are the Charioteer, move out into the world, knowing you have all the tools at your disposal, and do something different. Remember, you can turn within for guidance, you can look upward to your Higher Self, and you can begin to trust the messages that come to you from your creative mind. You can listen to your intuition and begin trusting what you hear. Start keeping a journal if you haven’t already started and write about your experiences becoming each of these cards. No you won’t be successful every time – none of us are because we are on a journey, learning what each one of us needs to become happy, at peace with ourselves and successful. Each one of us has a different meaning of success and happiness. Use this study of the Tarot to learn what works for you and who you are deep within. Try not to let anyone discourage you. In fact, as you are learning it would be best not to discuss this with others unless you know they will understand. When we hear discouraging and negative messages it drags us down and that is not where we want to go. We want to stay in our power!

The Chariot’s advice is:

Have a goal; plan the routes you will use to achieve your purposes
Be centered and aware at all times despite changes
Be at home within yourself as you travel your spiritual path
Be adventurous, explore
Keep your options open so you can act quickly and efficiently
Create your future; allow new ideas to come through your dreams and meditations

Next week we will move to a new level of the Tarot and learn about our Strengths. Until then happy traveling.

Tarot graphic comes from

^i^ Angel Hugs