Thirty Blogs in 30 Days - Day 30

 April 30, 2021 I've blogged every day with a fabulous, creative group of bloggers from Effy's Blog along.  The last time I blogged with the group I struggled what to write about. This time was much easier and more fun.  I would like to continue daily blogging but will I do it alone? I don't know.  I have a feeling it will be easier not to.  Yet this wasn't difficult.
Thank you Effy for providing this for us. I've enjoyed reading the blogs and writing them.

In six days I turn 85.  That's 595 in dog years.  As a child we had no televisions.  We listened to stories on the radio and made up the pictures in our heads. 

  When we picked up the phone to call someone the operator said, "number please" and we had to give her the number we wanted to call.  Our phone numbers were 3 digits.  We had a party line too, where if we picked up the phone to call, the person on the party line might be talking, so we had to hang up and wait our turn.

I lived through a lot of wars and have noticed war has not brought us closer to peace.  Wouldn't it have been wonderful if all the war money had been spent to make this world a better, safer place.  Maybe someday people will wake up. I remember the air raid sirens going off and we had to turn off all the lights and pull down the dark drapes.  My aunt was an air raid warden and would go out when the sirens went off to do her duty whatever that was.

We survived polio through vaccinations.  We survived measles, whooping cough, mumps, chicken pox and now Corona virus! 

I don't have a bucket list.  An astrologer said I would live until my middle 80s.  I'm not afraid to be dead, I just hope I die easy.  My husband is 30 days younger and our astrology charts are similar.  We both have Pluto opposition Pluto. Many people don't experience this because it takes Pluto 248 years to orbit the sun.  So the astrologers aren't sure what we're in for.  Ha ha.  Neither am I.  It does mean complete transformation.  At the same time I have the planet of quick changes - Uranus next to my Taurus sun.  Taurus does not like changes and this Uranus loves shaking up things.  I know what it means but not how it will play out in my life.  Luckily I'm curious.

I took to the computer, the internet like a duck takes to water and I am so glad.   From a childhood with no tv to an old lady enjoying social media, being on zoom, cell phones, online games - what a trip!

What's been my purpose on earth? I'm not sure.  Bravery, courage, my silly sense of humor, showing love, inspiring others, hopefully?  

I have over 60 years of filled journals.  The ink has faded so I can't read a lot of it.  I'm trying to figure out what to do with them.  Keep or toss? I've felt both strongly at times but they're still here. Maybe I should keep them and blog them.  Hmmmm, I don't think so... maybe bits and pieces?

I just found a check my grandfather wrote to someone in July 1917.  

What's next?  I doubt if I'll see world peace in my lifetime.  I believe in reincarnation and if you think about it, the people who didn't believe in Global warming could come back to live in another body in the middle of the aftermath.  

Ok folks that's all for today.  Thank you all for posting your blogs. I've enjoyed reading them. Thank you for commenting on mine.

Hugs and remember your angels love you now and forever...

Hodgepodge - Day 29

 Only one day left with blogging with Effy.  Gosh April went flying fast.  When I saw her invitation to join the blog-a-long it was already April 2.  But I caught up and now we're almost at the end.  That doesn't mean we have to quit blogging though and she is going to do another one in the fall.   Yay. Thank you Effy Wild.

I need a cook top and because of Covid the store I was going to get it from couldn't even order it until the middle of June.  Last night before shutting the computer down I saw an ad for a cooktop from another store and it said it would be delivered and installed around May 8 2021. I was so excited and put it in the cart.  But I didn't finish the order.  Hubby decided to call this morning and some customer support person in Pa that we could hardly understand said yes we could get it by that date.  Then we got disconnected. So he called again and this time we were told that it was back ordered and wouldn't be here until the middle of June.   I'm shaking my head like was this ad a come on?  I don't feel they were going to be able to deliver the cooktop in May at all.  Maybe, but it was such a disappointment.   We have maybe one burner that might work.  I bought one of those hot plates to use.  I have my instant pot, portable oven and microwave. But I was so excited last night thinking I could cook again on all four burners.  

After a few tears I got over it and am thankful for having gotten our vaccinations and so much more.  I could do a gratitude list but I've got one going on in my brain.


May is special - Day 28

 Three days until May.  Did any of you deliver flowers in May baskets and hang them on neighbors or friend's doorknobs?  I did it with my Grandmother and Aunt.  Did we knock on the door and hand them to people? I don't remember that but I would get pats on the head and cookies.  "Oh what a sweet little girl," they would say.  It made me happy and feel special.  

May is my birthday month too, another reason to feel special.  

I am blogging every day in April with a group of over 300 creative, fun people  here at Effy's blog-a-thong.  I am in love with blogging again and hope it continues.  Thank you Effy for holding this space for us to get together, share our blogs, read what others have written and comment.

1958 - 1959 - Day 27

 I've been sitting here perusing a book filled with old Coronet magazines from '58 - '59.  I like seeing old advertisements and articles from back then.  Ebay has a lot of these vintage magazines for sale.

They predicted the amazing phone of the future back in February 1959. That was 61 years ago.

It was predicted that it would end letter writing too and it looks like it basically has.

"In the kitchen, a speaker phone will enable wives to go right on with housework or cooking while they chat from any point in the room.

"And Junior will only need to pick up the telephone to be lulled to sleep by a recorded bedtime story."

" The housewife will be able to forget her chores.  A simple phone call will show her the butcher holding up a leg of lamb for inspection.  Similarly her children could learn their lessons over the TV telephone. "

They wrote about all this being possible because of the missile program.

It took them awhile but here we are.  Gosh I could remember when we picked up our phones and the operator said, "number please" and we had to tell her what number we were calling.

Number please

 How many of us could remember all the numbers we have now? I don't even remember my brother's number but it's programmed into my phone. 

I'm blogging every day this April with a creative group of over 300 bloggers on Effy's blog-a-long here.

Full Moon Baby - Day 26

Tonight the full moon is in Scorpio, opposite the sun in Taurus.  This is the moon I was born under.  I'm a full moon baby.  The moon is so beautiful tonight. Very large. I can imagine what she looked like coming up over the ocean, or over the mountains.  Scorpio is all about hidden things,  and because it is a water sign it is about emotions.  Moon is also feelings and emotions so a Scorpio moon can trigger a lot of deep feelings, some we didn't know we had hidden. Scorpio is intuitive too. 

Taurus is an earth sign, practical, loving, stubborn, want stability, pleasure seekers. We want to know why and how.  Prove it to us.

People with the Sun in Taurus and Moon in Scorpio have very complex personalities. They are passionate, mysterious and pleasure-driven people. ... Taurus Sun Scorpio Moon personalities tend to be secretive and they are usually guided by intuition. Their sharp intuition often makes other people rely on them for advice.

I am so glad the sky is clear tonight so I could take these pictures.  Yes I know I only touched on this subject briefly but because this is my birth moon it means a lot to me.

I'm blogging every day in April with a fabulous group of creative, loving bloggers here at Effy's blog-a-thong.


My First Wedding - Day 25

 I found a letter my mother wrote to her sisters dated January 8, 1945. There was a recipe for her meat loaf and she wrote, "though I'd think you'd have a hard time getting the meat."  This is because it was during the war and meat was rationed.   Mother mentioned about her sister Dolly who made a wedding dress for me.  She wrote, "It is beautifully done and Maurie (I went by my middle name then) looks like an angel in it.  We took pictures of her in it in front of our xmas tree and when we print them I'll send you one."

 Here I am in the dress

I'm blogging every day in April with a wonderful group of bloggers here at Effy's blog-along.

The Brellue - Day 24

 This rainy Saturday afternoon, day 24 of my blogging every day in April. Gosh only six more days to go.  

I like to be silly.  Even goofy too.  I make up lyrics to familiar tunes and don't hesitate to sing them in my house.  When my son was little I read him Dr. Seuss books and cracked myself up laughing so hard that he didn't know what was so funny - except Mama was almost screaming with laughter.  I never could read those books out loud without laughing.

That got me thinking what kind of things would I dream up if I was writing a silly book.   Well here is one silly animal I sketched.

The Brellue is a pretty one.  I hear he is lots of fun.  I wonder if there are some more like him behind the oven door.  You should be glad he doesn't look like you.

There are more - like Little Miss Yink, the Preen, Miss Maruple who always wears purple.  

I'm blogging every day in April with a fabulous group of creative, fun, sensitive, caring people in Effy's blog-a-thon. We are down to six more days and I don't want it to end. I am enjoying reading everyone's blogs and commenting when I can.  

Bedtime already! Day 23

 Boy have I been procrastinating today.  Now that it is almost bedtime I don't even remember what I actually did.  Oh yes, we had a food delivery and the bread did not arrive.  It was one of the things I needed the most.  But we can go to the grocery store more safely now for a few things and it just might be good to get out.

I spent a lot of time looking for a folder with my silly animal drawings for a blog. Finally I found it - in another room. I had forgotten I moved it. 

Ok I'm going to say goodnight and get myself to sleep.  

Angel Hugs to you all.

I'm blogging every day this April with a wonderful, creative group of over 300 people here at Effy's blog-a-thon.

Importance - Day 22

 Here it is after 10pm and I am just writing my blog for the day.   I spent the day very happy that the dentist appointment was behind me.  So relieved.  I continued with my sorting through papers and notebooks and made some good headway.  Took a nap, played some games, was on a zoom call.  

My blog today is a poem that I've loved for many years.  I'm sure many of us can identify.


Carol Combs

I've mending I must do and beds to make,
I should not sit and watch the red sun set
Behind the hills of afternoon; nor take
this time to dream when I have work. And yet
supposing that I go at duty's call
to make the beds and sweep the floor; what then?
these things have no great value after all,
tomorrow they must all be done again.
I have too many of such tasks to do;
Therefore, I shall forget them, every one,
And I shall sit and feel the rising dew
And watch the haze around the setting sun,
And I may find time for the housework too
When this, more important thing, is done.

This is sort of what I've been doing today in my own way.

I'm blogging every day this April with a group of creative, caring, loving people in Effy's blog-a-thong and it's been such fun reading and writing.


Anxious But Let's Get it Done - Day 21

Since I'm fully vaccinated I'm catching up on things that I've put off since staying isolated from Covid.

Today is getting my teeth cleaned and seeing if I need a tooth pulled.   After a childhood filled with surgeries, doctor appointments, dentists and braces, I have every right to feel anxious. Sometimes I am more anxious than others.   Today I am anxious but not focusing on it except for writing a blog about it.  I am feeling bits of warm pulses of anxiety energy running through my body.  I allow myself to feel it instead of pushing it down.  I do some mental eft tapping, take some slow deep breathing and blow out the anxious energy. Thankfully I have more tools to use now than when I was a child.  Back then I just swallowed my fears and suffered a lot of stomach aches.  

This is how I feel about going to the dentist.

Going to the dentist

Rewards are important and I've been thinking what I will give myself.  I know I want to get a new phone, so that will be a possible reward.  Depending on today's outcome will decide if food will be a reward. 

I'm blogging every day in April with a wonderful, creative, caring group of over 300 bloggers on Effy's Blog-a-thon.


Please make it easy - Day 20

 Since getting fully vaccinated and waiting two weeks, we've cautiously ventured out.  Even though it's nice to know that we are more protected now than before, I still want to be careful.  Now we have some catching up to do.  Dentist appointments, Doctor visits, Eye Doctors and more.  I felt a bit overwhelmed and anxious thinking about it all.  Plus I have had agoraphobia and going outside my comfort zone has been problematic at times. 

I am very much into talking with my angels, pulling angel cards, doing angel readings for others. I've taken some really amazing classes with Radleigh Valentine that were so helpful. So I asked my angels and spirit buddies to help make all this easier.  

Sunday night before going to bed I decided to write a list of things I wanted to get done on Monday.

1) Write my blog

2) Pay bills

3) See if I could renew our driver's license online

4) Renew prescriptions

5) Go to Lowe's

6) See what it takes to make some changes with our insurance plan.

I managed to do everything on the list in the morning except Lowes.  But after lunch I got a 2nd surge of energy, so we went to Lowes to see about ordering a new slide in stove top.  I felt a little anxious when we left but kept thinking about my angel crew helping me and doing some mental tapping.   Would you believe they can't even order one until the middle of June? I had to laugh because that was easy.  I mean we didn't have to stand around waiting for paperwork and all that.  We have one burner that will work sometimes.  I also bought a single burner hot plate and may order another. 

On the way home we stopped at the grocery store and picked up some fried chicken and a rotisserie chicken. That was a nice treat and will make meals easier. 

I emailed my brother to see if he could come over and help me get my printer working again.  He's my computer guy and if it wasn't for him I'm not at all sure I'd be online. 

This morning he came over and again I asked my Angel group to help make this printer work again and to make it easier.  Archangel Michael is the angel to call to help fix things including electronics. 


Now my printer is working again. 

I have a dental appointment tomorrow afternoon and instead of just calling in one angel I am going to take them all with me and hopefully that will be easy too.

So if you have something that's difficult or makes you anxious just call on your angels for help.  You probably won't hear a voice from the clouds but you could get some new thoughts or see a feather, some coins or you will be nudged to look at your clock or watch and see 3:33, 11:11 or other special numbers.  There are so many ways our angels can help us and again 

I am blogging every day in April with a fantastic, loving, creative group of bloggers.  I hope we continue with this blog-a-thong.


Art Fifty Three Years Ago - Day19

When I found these sketches that I created back in the late 60s I was amazed.  I knew these were mine but I had forgotten that I was this creative.  What happened?  Why did I stop?  53 years ago.  What if I had continued practicing my art? What if I had taken some lessons? I know it's not too late.  I've been telling myself I was going to learn Procreate an art program on my iPad, but I haven't done much with it.  I'm not beating myself up, just really curious about what's going on here.  No, I'm not comparing either.  

While finding these pictures I also found two empty art pads. Maybe these pictures are all I'll draw.  Is that wrong?  Or does it matter? I don't know.  

I am enjoying blogging and am being more consistent than I am with creating art.  ????

I like to blog and I'm blogging every day in April with a group of over 300 creative bloggers on Effy's blog-along

Grateful Day - 18

This is my blog for today.  I am grateful! 

I am blogging every day in April with a wonderful group of over 300 bloggers in Effy's blog-along

Lots of Hugs Day - 17

 Some days we just have to wrap ourselves in hugs.  

I saw these blankets advertised on Steals and Deals on Good Morning America several years ago and had to have them.   They are the softest, cuddliest blankets I ever experienced.  I'm thinking of ordering some more from blankiegram.   You can also purchase them from No I am not an affiliate, I just love these blankets, especially the hugs.  

Yes of course we hug each other but wrapping myself in hugs when I'm watching TV, reading or even sleeping is very comforting.

I'm so enjoying my blogging adventure here for the month of April with over 300 creative souls.

Fifty Eight Years of Journals - Day 16

1965 Prices

House payment: $55.20
Electricity: $6.59
Telephone: $6.35
Food: $30 average
Dentist Cleaning $10
Trash: $5.25 every six months
TV: $10.07

Imagine paying these prices! Does anyone remember? I found the spreadsheets in my July '65 - June - '66 Journal.  I've been writing in these journals from right before John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. I have them all and don't know what to do with them. 

I know I'd love to discover these from my mother or grandmother. But I don't feel that my family would want to read them. Do I even want them to?

Some say go through these and write some articles.  Or even blog them. I don't want to reread them right now.  One time I tore some pages out and tried to tear them up but I kept feeling NO! Another time I started piling them in a box to get shredded but another NO.  An astrologer suggested I get rid of them and free myself from the past.  Would that work or would wish I had them back. I told hubby if I die first he has my permission to shred them.  A part of me is feeling like hiring a shredder truck to come and shred them. Sigh!

I am so enjoying blogging with the creative, caring bloggers here for the month of April.

Relaxing Jigsaw Puzzles - Day 15

 In the back of my mind I keep thinking someday I will sketch so when I saw these puzzles I was intrigued.  The pictures are pretty especially the landscapes.  I used to love to put jigsaw puzzles together when I earlier in my life sitting at a table.  We made it a family affair when we weren't playing monopoly.  But these days sitting at a table putting puzzles together would be painful.  So when I saw these digital puzzles I was delighted.  I usually put together one puzzle a day - the free one that they offer.  Of course I've bought my share too, especially when they are on sale.  Usually they only cost a little over $2 on sale.  When we put a puzzle together we get points and these can add up until we have enough to use for getting more free puzzles.  Putting together these puzzles relax me.

Here is a pretty puzzle I did.


I love faces and her lips intrigued me.

I was putting this puzzle together 

That was going to be the picture of the humming bird in the middle.  We get to peek at our picture if we want.

Another cool feature is, I find some really pretty pictures and I can copy them and import them into the puzzle feature where I create my own.  

Here is a busier picture puzzle I put together

I'm enjoying blogging every day in April with a group of creative fun people in Effy's blog-a-thon.