I love looking at clouds. I take pictures of them and post them on Facebook. I even wrote a poem about clouds. Here is a TED talk about why we should look at clouds more.


 I used to have clouds in my bathtub But then I moved.
Now they're in my living room on my windshield.
I sit and watch their shapes and hear them calling me.
"Come out and play with us,"
they say as I sit in my easy chair and watch them on my windshield.
I hope no one moves my car.

So tell me about your experiences with cloud viewing.

Flatness, from a Guest Blogger

I invited my friend Simone to be my guest blogger and she graciously accepted. I love how vulnerably she writes about her feelings and she's teaching me how to write about my inner feelings.


 When I was a kid, one of my favorite picture books was called “The flat Franz”. It was a story about a boy, who wanted to visit a dear one in another country. But how? Well, for Franz it was easy, since he had the ability to make himself as flat as a sheet of paper. His parents addressed an envelope, put Franz in it and brought him to the post box. Franz happily arrived at the destination he had longed for, resumed his normal shape, and all was good.

I myself had friends and family in another country and was often full of longing to see them. That book made me fantasize about the journey’s I wanted to take, and I so wished I could just flatten myself out to fit in an envelope.

The last few weeks I’ve really felt restless and frustrated, to the degree that my whole body has been tingling. There is so much I want to do and create, and even share with the people I love and the world, and I haven’t been able to even take one single baby step of action. I haven’t figured this state out yet. I wouldn’t say I’m procrastinating. Rebellion, doesn’t really fit either. Laziness? Nope, not this time. This is different and I don’t understand it.

It seems, that wherever I look, and I don’t have to look far – it is enough to turn my eyes to my bookshelf or opening a magazine, looking at the art on my walls, or even check the latest Facebook statuses, everywhere I see inspired creations, read meaningful quotes, hear rich voices… The world, with it’s people and their creations is wonderful and rich, beautiful and lovely, in it’s depth and complexity. AND I JUST FEEL FLAT. Not a yummy “full of expectations for the journey”- flat, as the flat Franz, but empty and grey and uninspired and without AIR. Like a flat tire. Or four. And the tingling in my body comes from the engine that’s running idly, waiting for the tires to be refilled.

If there’s so much I want to create and share – why can’t I really think of anything? Where’s inspiration? The ideas? The belief even, that I have anything to contribute?

A friend and creativity coach suggested that this state might be part of the creative process. That there might be things happening under the surface, that I am not aware of. She also suggested that I write about it. It didn’t feel like it would be pleasant reading for anyone, but then suddenly the memory of the flat Franz popped up and how much I loved that book. Reading about his longing for travel was meaningful to me. Maybe reading about the flatness of a woman who’s trying to find her way in creativity space, might also be meaningful to someone. Shouldn’t that be the case at all, I can feel already, that it was rewarding for me myself to write it. And that’s something, too!

As for now, I’m just going to fantasize that I can be put into an envelope and travel into a different realm until I am through this period of flatness. Once I’m through, not flat anymore, I guess I would have to take a flight home.

If you liked Simone's writings, she has more here

Something Within ME wants to express itself.

"The Universe is friendly and for YOU and ME. What is it in You that is ready to express itself?" What do we have to give, to be? What do we complain about what we don't have? Use what we have, be in GRATITUDE! So inspiring! What choices am I going to make?

I don't know about you but I am so ready to let go of what has held me back, the fears, the vows.

Can I just let go? "If I can let go the darkness will fade If I can just let go there's a light all around me But the pain in my thought has kept me holding on But I feel like letting go I'm ready to run and I'm ready to leap into what is real I got a sweet invitation, a mandate of ecstasy Let go of your will, drop your tools, and follow me I am the life within you, it's time to be free I feel like letting go Let go, let God Let go, Let God Let go, I feel like letting go Let go, let God, let go. If I can let go heaven's at hand Right now new life is awaiting While I'm rearranging these old facts of mine Said I'm tired of holding on My heart is making an authentic appeal It's such a sweet invitation, a mandate of ecstasy Don't hold on any longer, drop your tools and follow me I won't abandon my vision, it's time to release The power of God is guiding me To surrender to what I've got to be And deep within God loves me so Let go, I'm letting go With God all things are possible With God all things are bountiful And deep within God loves us so Let go, I'm letting go If we can let go the darkness will fade Pray to let go, let go, let go. "I Feel Like Letting Go" from the CD In The Land Of I Am" Music and Lyrics by Rickie Byars & Michael Beckwith

Are you ready to Take a Holy Breath and Find your Joy? I am

Releasing Old Vows

Releasing old vows

“Dear God,” I wrote in my diary in 1957-58.  “If you will bring me a man who loves me I will be the best wife imaginable.  I have a lot of love to share.”

How Do You Want to Feel?

Five days with sporadic internet outages!  I phoned my internet provider daily, got apologies, work order numbers and promises.  I told them I needed my internet to be working on Thursday at 1pm because I was the host of a radio show and was told, "Oh yes it will be working."  But I had an uneasy feeling, rightfully so.  I called Maggie, my co-host and asked her to run the studio as host, which she did. I logged on as co-host and just as I suspected, my internet went down during the show again. At least I was able to interview our guest on the telephone.  

Not sure if you know but I am a big proponent of Emotional Freedom Technique and tapping.  But on the 3rd day with my internet going up and down, being totally unreliable, I was so angry that tapping didn't help much. But I tapped anyhow because I knew I was getting a benefit somewhere in my body. But I wasn't feeling less angry.  My husband suggested we get out of the house for awhile and see if our new friend who owned a farm had any silver queen corn. Bernie called him and he had four ears left that he would save for us so we drove over to his farm. As we drove I kept asking myself, "How do I want to feel?" I was still furious about the internet outage because I was paying business rates and it was almost impossible to run an online business without being able to get online.  

Tapping Points

I touched each one of the upper tapping points saying, "how do you want to feel?"  I began feeling calmer and I started focusing on the trees with their beautiful green leaves. I began noticing how many different shades of green there are on the different trees.   I focused on smelling the fresh air coming in the car window.  The sun was shining, I am healthy, I have a loving husband, we have a home, money to buy food and life is good.   I am so blessed to have learned the wonderful question, "How Do You Want to Feel?" From my coaches, Rick Wilkes and Cathy Vartuli.   How do you want to feel has helped change the way I look at problems, it has been a stress reliever and I don't stuff my feelings like I used to.

When we got to the farm, he was no where to be found but that was okay because we weren't in a hurry.  We saw a bag with the corn waiting and I looked at the rest of the vegetables he had in the baskets.   The fresh yellow squash was so beautiful so I bagged up some.  I'd been buying lots of fresh vegetables and making soup for the winter.  Here are some of the beautiful tomatoes he had for sale.

I decided to take some pictures with my cell phone because it was such a peaceful place to be and I continued feeling blessed.

The farmer's name is Mr. Lance and he had been inside eating lunch and didn't hear us pull up.   He is a native of this area of North Carolina and had some interesting stories to tell. We pulled up some chairs and enjoyed listening to him.  I also liked how he had this book that he wrote all the purchases down and then added them up with a calculator.  No credit cards, no electronic devices.  How cool and down to earth!

I wanted to  feel better - calm and happy instead of angry and it worked.  Here are some more beautiful pictures on the farm.

Another wonderful benefit of tapping and asking myself how do I want to feel is that I don't get the old stomach aches I used to get when I was upset and frustrated.   I don't get as many headaches or backaches either. No I'm not perfect yet and I still have more to learn and practice but I feel very blessed. 

To learn how to become less stressed, more relaxed and happier visit my web page and if this speaks to you, book a reading with me.

Love, Jean Maurie

Angels Surround Us With Their Light

Our angels surround us as we walk through our lives but we can't always see them or remember they are here.  If we knew how many unseen helpers we have walking beside us we wouldn't be afraid. 

Today I walked outside my house and this is what I saw.  I had to go back in and get my camera.  As I look at this picture, I can imagine our angels showing themselves in this glorious light from above.   So as you feast your eyes on this beautiful scene just imagine this healing light is yours and surrounds you every day.  You are loved. 

Love, Jean Maurie

One of my Favorite Places

Today I was looking at a friend's Facebook pictures and there was one of the beautiful ocean.  I just sat there and looked at it, remembering how much I loved going to the Lake Worth, Florida beach.  I spent many hours laying on a towel on the sand soaking in the rays. I'd get hot and cool off in the ocean. My blonde hair turned white and I had a beautiful golden tan in my white bikini.  Mmm I looked good!
Yes this is the place.  Look at the sun making the ocean sparkle.  I don't have to be there to still enjoy it.  I can imagine myself there and almost feel my feet in the water.  Then I would dive head first into a wave.  Yes those were fun days. I rode the waves to shore too and sometimes the waves would slam me into the sand.
Some mornings we'd drive over to the beach and watch the sun come up.  It was so delicious swimming in the  rays of the newborn day.
Isn't this a yummy picture? See the sun shining on the water? I'd stand in the light of this and imagine being blessed by my Creator, the angels and the Universe.  Ahhh this brings back some wonderful memories. Thank you Bernie for this delicious picture.

Since my skin told me it had enough sun, I am done going to the beach. Someone said why don't you go at dusk with a long sleeved shirt on and long pants.  That didn't appeal to me at all.  At first it bothered me a lot but I got past it. We moved up into the mountains of North Carolina and this is a wonderful place to live too.  The wonderful thing is, I can visit pictures of the ocean and imagine myself there any time I want.  I can energetically BE there any time I want using my imagination and memories.

Love, Jean Maurie

Listen to the dead boy's whisper, "Pushing on her"

On October 17, 2013, my co host, Maggie Lukowski and I welcomed on our radio show Personal Empowerment For Your Soul, Jamie Butler and Erick Medhus.  Erick took his own life on October 6, 2009. Since that sad and tragic day, an overwhelming sense of grief and despair propelled Elisa (his mother) into searching for answers. Answers that would provide her and others with comfort and hope. Some of those answers came from the many books she bought, but many came from an unexpected source…Erik, himself. Through dreams, visitations and channeling, he describes what happens during the death process, what the afterlife is like, what he does with his time there, what it feels like to be a free soul, and more .

From Jamie: In the summer of 2010, I had my first scheduled appointment with Elisa Medhus. I sat upstairs in my parents’ home in Florida seeking privacy. The only prior knowledge I had was her name and phone number. After Elisa phoned in, the spirit of a young man came into the room. He looked to be about eighteen years old and was tall and thin. His hair was a little unkempt. When he chose to look my way, his eyes initially gazed right through me, but most of the time, his eyes darted around the room. He was unsettled. He was dressed jeans and a t-shirt and he told me that he was the caller’s son. He started to talk about his passing. He then began to explain that he took his own life. I recall hesitating several times through the story, as it was painful for me, as a mother, to listen and translate. Elisa took in the information her son was sharing in stride and with such love.  Erik continued and, as soon as he became comfortable with me, he began throwing in some “sailor talk.” I stuttered over the coarse words and giggled nervously . Elisa paused and assured me that, if this was her Erik, this was the language she expected. She encouraged me to accept him as well as his choice of language.

We heard about Erik and invited Jamie and Erik on our show.  I was asking him about being able to see him and he answered by saying he was "pushing on me".  I didn't hear it then but Jamie translated.  Later someone on the blog Channeling Erik  heard Erik say he was pushing on me.  It is about 9:10 into the show when you can hear Erik's voice.  You might have to turn up your sound but it's there.


My life has evolved and is so different from the me's that I have been back through the years.

How cool is this! Imagine being born in a time when there were no TV's, and seeing the changes from tiny black and white tv's to color, to Big Screens. We used to listen to our favorite shows on the radio and used our imagination to visualize the scenes.

From telephones where we picked up the receiver and heard an operator say, "number please" to rotary phones, then smart phones.

Then from bulky expensive computers to light weight, rather inexpensive laptops and tablets.

I couldn't even tell anyone what I wanted to be when I grew up - it hadn't even been invented yet!!!

Who would have thought that this child who felt like she didn't feel like she fit in with her peers and felt really stupid in school, turned out to love posting on Facebook, twitter and creating her own web page with 1411 Facebook friends, many who really like her!!! This is an amazing and healing Ah Ha!! Wow!!!

Now having her own blogtalk radio show, Personal Empowerment For Your Soul with co-creator Maggie Lukowski.

Life has been full, curious and I wonder what's coming next!

Do you want to Have More Money in your life and Feel Freer?

What is blocking you from getting the income you deserve? What it stopping you from enjoying money?  Do you have old beliefs that money is bad or that it is the "root of all evil?"  If you feel you stuck and discouraged about money or lack of it in your life I invite you to check out this wonderful course.  I have already enrolled and have watched the videos and listened to the course.  I have three pages of notes of where my shackles came from about abundance. 

There is nothing wrong with having money.  We deserve to be abundant.  If you're saying to yourself, "Oh yeah, only the rich get wealthy", then I invite you to check out this course and see how your old beliefs could be stopping you. 

You might want to check this course out now because the price will be going up soon.

So let's all be more abundant now!

Healing Your Guilt and Shame Around Money: Cast Off Ancestral Shackles and Create Abundance Now!

Daring to Find Myself

This morning I saw this picture on Facebook and it triggered some heavy emotions in me.  I could hardly catch my breath as I read these words.  I let fear rule my life. Now that I've been involved with EFT, especially Thriving Now with Rick Wilkes and Cathy Vartuli, I'm learning to find those pieces of me I hid because I was afraid of being judged how I looked, how i spoke, and more.  I've climbed a few emotional mountains and found bravery within I never knew I had. I'm sure there are more pieces of myself I can reclaim as I continue to climb mountains, drive to unknown places and dance to my music. Does anyone want to join me?

Fog in the Mountains

Today we went for a drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fog and rain.  This was at Tanbark Ridge Overlook  Elevation 3175 feet.  The fog was breathtaking.  I could hardly stop taking pictures and videos. 

We stopped at the Folk Art Center for a pit stop. There's a sign on the door saying No Photographs.  As we walked through the store and saw all the unique and beautiful displays I wanted to take pictures so much.

So instead I am showing another fog picture.  When our son came up to visit, he saw fog in the mountains and it looked like the mountain was on fire. 

A Sad, Cold March Day in 1949

Yes it was a sad, cold day in March 1949 when my aunt came to me and said, "Your father is not with us anymore."  I felt the air being sucked out of my lungs. Everyone's voices sounded far away.  My father isn't with us anymore?  You mean he died? But he was only 32? How, Why? My shocked brain couldn't comprehend this.

There were rumors.  He went in the hospital with a supposed appendicitis and never came out.  It scared so many people that many went and had their appendix out after that. 

What am I going to do without my Father around, I wondered. What's going to happen now?  Life changed drastically for this thirteen year old girl.  She had a baby brother who was just 11 months old.  I remember going into Daddy's closet to smell his clothes.

Mother was overcome with grief and didn't do well.  Me and my brother got farmed out to some families for a while, while mother was unable to care for us.  She finally hired a family with two boys to live with us.  I didn't like them.  I had headaches and the doctor told me to go to bed earlier.  I missed the Uncle Milty show (Milton Berle) on Tuesday nights and I was furious, making my  headaches worse.

Somehow life went on and mother married our milkman (yes a true story) who I had a crush on (another story).  He had 4 children and we all moved to Florida.

Years later after I was married and had a child of my own  I was watching 90210 the TV series when Dylan's father was killed and Dylan was thinking about taking a drink even though he was an alcoholic.  He was grieving and didn't know how to handle his pain.  Suddenly he heard sobbing in the room and he turned around and saw his little thirteen year old self sobbing.  That opened the floodgates of grief for me and losing my father.  I hadn't really been able to grieve until then.  It was a wonderful relief to get in touch with my thirteen year old girl who's heart was broken. 

For All the Winter Weary

Yes this has been a harsh winter for most of the country.  Hopefully it is almost over and spring is on it's way.  Daylight Savings Time starts this Sunday so at least we will have more sunlight. Until the warm weather gets here, you can imagine being in this video, floating in the ocean, walking on the warm sand and enjoying summer. 

My Clothes Don't Like Me Anymore

Last night I was taking off one of the warm shirts I was wearing as I was getting ready for bed.  I pulled off the right sleeve and ZAP, the *%x# thing shocked me.  I actually saw the spark! Same thing with the left sleeve.  "OUCH!" I know I am prone to static electricity shocks and I usually discharge myself at the kitchen sink.  I won't even hang up my phone after getting out of my chair but to get zapped by my own clothes? Now that's not funny.

There are all kinds of suggestions to eliminate static electricity like putting dryer sheets in your pocket, tying a piece of copper wire to yourself and let it drag behind you, to buying a humidifier.  I thought I was safer since I started wearing crocs but alas even my blankets spark.  Did you ever get shocked by your blankets?(no not from what's in them) I can see the sparks as I pull them over me. When Bernie and I slide out of our chairs to give each other hugs we high five first to discharge the static electricity because sometimes our hugs or kisses leave each other speechless. 

Here are some other ideas on how to discharge ourselves from getting shocked:

Here are 3 more suggestions for static control from other sources:
"1) Walk barefoot. (Or, as silly as it may sound, cover your shoes with aluminum foil when possible to reduce the static buildup.)
2) Wear a thimble on your finger, or carry a coin, and use them to touch grounded metal objects as often as possible. This will not eliminate the static discharge, but will stop the pain you feel in your fingertips.
3) Be sure to ground yourself before touching sensitive electronic equipment." 

I need a haircut and yes, when I pull a cap off my head, my hair often looks like this.  
I've been told I have healing in my hands and I found this quote,

"Some other experiences that healers tend to have include receiving lots of static shocks- car doors always used to get me before I started healing! This I believe is a discharge of built up energy in the healer’s hands; it improves once you start using the energy. I also have had strange effects on electrical items and have gone through an awful lot of watches in my time. Again I think this is due to a build-up of energy in the aura."

Hmm I wonder if grounding exercises will help ? I practice them but not to prevent static electricity.

I just found this link about highly sensitive children and yes they are more prone to static electricity. 

So those of you who read this, tell me about your experiences of static electricity.  You can post in the comments below or under the article on Facebook.  Thanks, I would love to read them.

Unemployed Angels Want Work - Hiring the Heavens

Yes there are hundreds and thousands of unemployed angels that want to work.   I didn't know that until the other day when my co-creator, Maggie Lukowski and I interviewed Jean Slatter, author of Hiring The Heavens.   Of course when I knew she was coming on our show Personal Empowerment For Your Soul, I bought the kindle version.  I could hardly put the book down.  Jean says you can hire committees of angels to help you with every aspect of your life.  You can have business meetings with your committees in your car as you drive to work or in your mind as you're walking through the grocery store.  You can ask your angels for help with anything and everything.  This is the way Jean lives her life, which she writes about in the book. She also gives examples of how other people have experienced seeming miracles by hiring their angels to help them find things, get better jobs, find their perfect doctor's, even meeting their mates.  She talked about a man who hired a Spiritual Joy Committee! 

Jean is such an enthusiastic speaker. She explained to us that she didn't want anything to do with religion and angels growing up but one day she had a profound moment that changed her life and led her on the path of hiring angels.  She says we do not need to earn our angel's help. "The payment comes in the form of currency the spiritual world knows and that is LOVE AND JOY."  Jean goes into detail about why we deserve our angel's help and on the radio program she talked about the difference between this and the Law of Attraction, which I found fascinating.

If you are struggling in your life and you're not living your dreams I suggest you listen to this uplifting and inspirational show. If it speaks to you and gets you excited you can buy the book, Hiring the Heavens by Jean Slatter.

I'm hiring, are you?

What's Stopping you from Achieving your dreams? Is it Time To Take The Parking Brake Off Your Life…And Have More Fun!

Do you feel stuck, have projects you have to do but just can’t get around to working on them?

Do you start beating yourself up about procrastinating and call yourself lazy?

Do you feel overwhelmed and wonder if there is something wrong with you?

Not fun is it? 

What if it isn’t your fault? What if there is nothing wrong with you? What if you could find a new way to live your life more successfully with less struggle?

“First, it’s important to know that none of this is your fault! The struggle and pain you’ve been through isn’t because you’re bad or don’t deserve abundance. The reason you’ve been struggling is because a part of your brain has been fighting you.  Why would my brain fight me you ask?

There is a part of the brain, called the Primitive Brain that focuses on survival. Its main purpose is to protect you. This part of your brain has first dibs on all your resources. Your primitive brain will flood you with adrenaline and other chemicals to let you run faster than you ever thought possible to escape a bear. It can give you the strength and courage to fight a mugger or pull a car off a small child.”

My primitive brain tried to keep me safe when I was having a lot of surgeries as a child.  I was terrified but told not to cry, to be brave and be a good girl. So instead of letting my fears out I stuffed them and tried to be a good girl.   I couldn’t run away, I couldn’t fight so I froze.   I developed phobias which turned into agoraphobia, the fear of having panic attacks and losing control.   I would sit in school, so scared that I couldn’t learn and I made terrible grades.   I lost confidence in myself and didn’t know where I’d be when I had a panic attack.  I knew where every bathroom was and carried a portable toilet in my van.  I stopped going to restaurants, stopped traveling and wouldn’t go to meetings or movies.  Along with this came body pains – backaches and stomach aches.  Life wasn’t fun.  

I searched for answers with hypnosis, “primal scream therapy”, talk therapy, desensitization therapy, prayer, meditation, and more. Everything helped a little but it wasn’t until I discovered Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and joined Rick Wilkes and Cathy Vartuli at Thriving now, did I really find help.  I learned about the primitive brain and how it tried to keep me safe through all these traumas and I was able to release many of my old struggles.   Now that I understand that my primitive brain loves me so much it will do anything it can to keep me safe, I can use the tapping tools I learned from Rick and Cathy and work with my primitive brain instead of fighting with it.

Rick and Cathy have created this wonderful program, Reprogramming Your Primitive Brain And Take the Parking Brake off your Life.

 Wow, imagine getting unstuck and having more energy to finish your projects easier and stop battling your way through life! 

Imagine not feeling stressed at the end of your day!

Imagine having more self-confidence!

Imagine being able to sooth yourself and stop overeating, over shopping or whatever it is that you wish you could stop!

Imagine feeling excited about life rather than being fearful of change!

Imagine hearing your friends asking what you've done to yourself because you look younger, more relaxed and happier!

How do you do all this? 

Check out Rick and Cathy's new program, Reprogramming Your Primitive Brain and Take the Parking Brake off Your Life.

See what they've created for you:

Guided meditations
A live hour call
Some super special bonuses to help you with romance, law of attraction, abundance, sex & relationships and more.

I have received so much help working with Rick Wilkes and Cathy Vartuli  these past three years that I believe in any program they create.  That's why I am so excited about this program and writing about it - so YOU can enjoy your life more, have more fun with less stress.


Happy Birthday Daddy

January 12 1917 my Daddy was born.  He would be 97 today if he had lived.  He died on a cold March day in 1949 at only 32 years old.  It seemed the whole town of Wenonah, NJ came out for his funeral because he was so well liked.  He would take the shirt off his back and give it to someone if they needed it. 

He was a volunteer fireman and after fire drill practice he'd bring the guys home and fix onion rings or french fries for everyone.  Those were fun times.   Jack had a set of drums and I remember he'd turn on his Glenn Miller recordings and drum to the music.  I loved hearing him drumming but when he got out his harmonica I would start to cry and Mommy took me out for a walk.  I've never figured out why the harmonica made me cry.

Daddy as a child


Me and Dad
Me and Dad at his gas station
When I was going through my surgeries as a child and so scared, my Daddy would hold my hand while they put the scary ether mask over my face.  That always helped soothe me. 

July 4th I got to sit next to him in the firetruck and ring the bell as he drove me and the other kids around town. It was fun.  After he owned his own gas station they decorated my bicycle with empty oil cans, other paraphernalia, and signs saying "My Daddy's Station is open now." I rode it in the parade and received an honorable mention.

Me with my decorated bike for 4th of July parade

Jack had a good sense of humor and when Mom asked him where he was going he'd say, "I'm going to wind the clock at City Hall." 

I also remember some of my friends would come over and we'd  would start a monopoly game with Dad that lasted for days. 

There were good memories and not so good memories but isn't that the way with most families.  

Daddy will have been gone almost 65 years now and that's a long time in earth years.  I sometimes wonder where he is - still in spirit or has he reincarnated?  I had one reading when he came in and apologized for having left so early.  He gave me flowers and said he wished he'd gotten to know his son, my brother.

So Happy Birthday to you Daddy, it would have been nice to have you in my life longer so you could meet my husband, son, granddaughter and great grandsons. 

I would like one more dance with you. So let's make it a date for when I pass over and we'll dance together ♥♥