Does it feel like this?
Or this?
I love riding through the fog but I sure don't like it in my head. On those foggy head days I just kick back, take some self-care and wait. Or maybe I tap on "Feeling foggy and fuzzy brain." Feeling like this can be from overload, trying to make too many decisions, stress and more.
When I allow myself to feel my feelings without pushing them away or pushing them down by using affirmations, I usually feel better the next day and sometimes even later that same day. The sun begins to shine. That's not to say affirmations don't work or aren't helpful. They are as long as we aren't using them to cover up and push down feelings we need to acknowledge. If I do use affirmations and I hear "yeah but", that's what I need to pay attention to and clear. Then the affirmations have a better chance of working.
Now this feels like clarity to me! Full sun shining, lighting up the picture, lighting up my life with new ideas, new answers for those difficult decisions and peace.
I can help you with your decisions with a tapping session, an angel reading and more.
Love, Jean Maurie