Wanna Laugh or Two?

 September 10, 2021,

We all know laughter is good for us.  Here's the link to an article from the Mayo Clinic about what benefits we can get from laughing.   It helps our immune system and we know we need this more than ever right now.  Laughing also helps our oxygen levels, is good for our muscles and much much more. 

So let's laugh!

You did want your screen cleaned didn't you?

Are you laughing yet?  Or maybe a giggle or at least a smile?  If you want more I created a Fun page on Facebook where I post silly, stupid, lots of LOL's, dumb like this one...

Where do they keep the dumb ones?


Thanks for reading


Morgaine Pendragon said...

Oh these are great!! thanks for the laughs!

Smart potatoes lol I always say the same thing about
Smart Water.

Tamara Sagathevan said...

The itch-cream one was brilliant. I LOVE jokes like these! Thank you for the great laugh!

Donna said...

Okay I'm totally joining your page. My hubby is in a group and is constantly showing me funny memes. We share a good few with the kids too. I need to up the joke ante too!

Jean Maurie said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the laughs Ellie. That's right there's "smart" water too, I'd forgotten. LOL

Jean Maurie said...

You're welcome Tamara, I love these kinds of jokes too.

Jean Maurie said...

Donna, there's nothing to join but you can like my fun page and like some jokes. Then you'll get notifications of others that are posted. You can also share the jokes and memes with your hubby so he can post them in his group. The page is open - I think. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok, seriously, that WTF one is soooo funny!!! I might just start pretending it means Well, that's fantastic!!! myself even though I 'know better' ... though I suppose I outta warn folks first.