It's Fri daaaay - 25

When I was in a group on Facebook the group leader and Astrologer used to start his astrology video for the day by saying in a silly voice, "It's Fri daay" and he'd do a little dance.  It was kind of cute. So that's how I'm starting off today's blog.

It's been a nice breezy day so we could have all the windows open and it wasn't too hot.  I love days like this.  The front of our house faces west so it gets that hot afternoon sun.  Funny I just typed son and corrected it.

I've been thinking of my son too because he is driving from South Florida to Santa Fe, NM tomorrow alone.  His wife flew out today with the cat.  I think that's the longest he has had to drive and when he'd drive straight through to visit us he was toast.  I know he will phone us as he has hands free phone while he is traveling.  I don't want to worry because it wouldn't be good for me and certainly not a good thing to surround someone with worry energy. I have been supportive of him the whole step of the way.   I don't want to do to him what my mother did to me - tell me all the things that could go wrong.  That is such a mean thing to do.  I mean how does it help?   She did this to me my whole childhood.  I think she believed by saying stuff like that it would help to keep me safe somehow.  I'm not angry anymore, I have forgiven her because she didn't know any better.  But I'm not doing it to my son.     He is married to a woman who has travel in her blood.  Her father took her all over the world with him on business and pleasure.  She has to travel.  So they've travelled to Europe every winter and she's shown him places she loves.   Every time my mind would conjure up some "what if" thought I'd stop myself and say the Prayer For Protection for him:

Prayer for Protection

By James Dillet Freeman

The light of God surrounds us;

The love of God enfolds us;
The power of God protects us;
The presence of God watches over us;
Wherever we are, God is!

I've said this prayer for years and it has given me a lot of comfort and a safe feeling.  I change the "us" to "you", "me", "them" whatever is needed.  So I will visualizing my son's angels of protection around him as he travels.  It helps. 


Morgaine Pendragon said...

I tend to get cases of wanderlust. I long to visit Europe someday.
Safe travels to your son.

Jean Maurie said...

That would be so nice if you could visit Europe someday. Funny but I have no desire to travel . I used to think I'd like to have a 5th wheeler and travel through the west. I've always wanted to visit California.