So I Begin Another 30 Days of Blogging

 September 1, 2021 

Blogging with Effy Wilde begins another month of blogging on her Artfully Wild Blog Along group on Facebook.   

I am excited to encourage myself to blog again for 30 days.  Effy Wilde opens her blogging page up at least once a year, sometimes more.  The last time was the month of April 2021 and I so enjoyed posting, reading other blogs and replying.  

Most of the other bloggers are showing their artwork and I enjoy seeing them.  My blog is random.  I enjoy taking pictures and posting them.  I kept thinking I wanted to sketch and practice learning how to use Procreate on my iPad but so far I haven't done a thing with the program.  I'm not going to try and figure out why or beat myself up.   It is what it is for now.   

I've been trying to work out a lot of sadness, not fear about the Delta virus and it has been so hard.  I got fully vaccinated last April and was feeling a little safer and more hopeful that my husband and I could go out more safely but then  - - - so much has not happened since then --- do I really want to get into this on my blog?  Not right now.  Maybe not at all.  I don't know right now.  

So here I am again blogging again and hopefully it will be fun.  I know it will be challenging.

Until my next post happy reading, happy blogging.

Thank you for reading. 


Tamara Sagathevan said...

Goodluck for the month ahead! I'm sorry about the fear around the Delta variant...I know how you feel ��

Jean Maurie said...

Thank you Tamara, I am not so much afraid as I am sad. I have tools to work through my sadness though, thank goodness.

Nolwenn said...

I am random myself ;)
I am happy to read you for the next 30 days.

Renee said...

I adore random!

Anonymous said...

Oh I hear you on the whole getting vaccinated and ready to return to 'life' and now Delta is coming along and taking that all away again. ugh.

Bring on the random - keeps life interesting!

Donna @ said...

Yay good to be back at this, I kind of let it slide. I know and understand your fears of getting back out into the world, I feel much the same. But we can do this... I think!

Jean Maurie said...

I love random Nolwenn and I am always happy to read your posts.

Jean Maurie said...

Yes I love random Renee :) I don't have one subject I can write about exclusively.

Jean Maurie said...

I let it slide too Donna. It's strange because I so enjoyed blogging here with Effy's blog along, yet to do it myself didn't interest me as much as I'd hoped. I wonder why. Any ideas?

I'm not as afraid of going out because I've had both my shots and I'll probably get the booster because we're both 85 and I don't necessarily want to die of Covid. Although is there a good way to die? Maybe just going to sleep and waking up on the other side saying hello to my family and dear friends who are there. Of course seeing all my angels too. It's just that I am sad that we didn't all get vaccinated to help each other. I'm debating about blogging about this. Yes we'll get through it one way or the other. I'm trying to just live one moment at a time and being grateful.

Morgaine Pendragon said...

You're not alone in your fear of the Delta variant.
Our house is fully vaxxed, but still.

Random is good. I like random 😊

Kim Switzer said...

Random is great! It's always fun to read. I am with you in feeling sad over the Delta variant. It's all so disheartening. But now we have a month of blogging fun, so that's something to look forward to.

Empire of the Cat said...

I love random, looking forward to your posts this month again Happy Blogging! Elle/EOTC xx