I was going to get my blog written earlier but it didn't happen. I waited
for a food delivery that was late. Last time this happened, it was two
hours late. They couldn't find a driver so I cancelled my order.
Three hours later it got delivered, so I contacted the store and ended up
getting a $100 worth of food free. I wondered if this was
going to be a repeat. This time it was only ten minutes late. So
after we wiped stuff down and put the food away both of us flopped into our
recliners and chilled for a while.
My stomach started
grumbling so I ended up chopping up a lot of veggies, garlic, mushrooms and
stir frying them. We ate it with brown rice and cheese. So good!
After lunch I got a bit groggy so I sat back and closed my eyes. You
can imagine what happened next. Yep zzz.
have to write my blog," I told myself when I woke up. But I wasn't in
the mood. What do you write about when you're not in the mood? Anyone
else? Do you force yourself, skip a day or? I'd be curious to
Ok, well I blogged or something like that. Here's
a lively, fun, inspirational video that often helps me when I get the blah's
like this.
Skiing Slopes Into Love
1 day ago
I enjoyed your food story! My grocery delivery time can really vary but I eventually get my food. We get a time window and can track progress online. One time they contacted me that my delivery would be late because the truck got stuck in the mud trying to make a delivery in a remote area in my town. They had to get another truck and move everything into the replacement truck and the original truck had to get towed out!
I tend to just start writing when I can't think of anything to write about and eventually once I get into the flow of it something inevitably comes out because I always have something to say LOL I'm such a rabbler. Then I might delete all the blahblah stuff that helped unclog the bottle of writing juice. You did well!
If I'm really not feeling blogging but I've made a commitment to do it, I'll draw a tarot card to see what comes up or peruse a list of writing prompts (I create one every month, so I always have one handy) or dip into some of the programs I'm in that provide prompts. There's always something.
Sometimes, though, I just through up a meme or a song I love and call it a day. :)
I love the story of your day. I can relate too. Gotta do it...distracted...gotta do it, what to write?
When all else fails for me, I go through what I've already blogged about (always about my business) and see what essential oils I haven't written about, and write about one of them. Sometimes I blog about a conversation I might have had, that relates to making stuff.
Mary, are you getting your food delivery from walmart? I am and I am so glad. It has been such a blessing. Our grocery stores waited until just the last month or so to offer curb side pickup. At my age I could not wait that long. Wal Mart stepped right up and even though it will be safer for us to go shopping next week I am going to continue with the delivery. It saves so much energy for us and actually it's cheaper.
Thanks Unworthy Art, I am a rambler too but I'm sure not everyone wants to read my rambles. Thank you for replying and complimenting. I am having fun with this blogging.
Such good ideas Effy. I so love memes and I have a lot of angel cards to play with too. Thank you for reading and commenting. I love your blogs.
Thanks Kimi glad you liked my story. Thank you for posting and your suggestions. I am feeling better and more creative with your ideas and others.
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