Evening in our hood

June 4th sitting on our porch enjoying the cool breezy evening.  The sunset kissed the day goodbye

and the birds sang their goodnight songs while the firefly's flashed their mating luminaries.

Enlarge to full screen to see the fireflies. 


Morgaine Pendragon said...

Aw I miss fireflies.
Thanks for sharing!

Jean Maurie said...

Aww you don't see them anymore? I missed them too when we lived in South Florida. I hope they never leave here.
Thank you for reading and replying.

Nolwenn said...

I've always wanted to live some place where fireflies would add magic to. Thanks for sharing.

Boomer said...

Looks peaceful. How late is the sun setting in your area? It's setting so late here it's difficult to convince the kids to go to sleep :)